the Bluetooth automatically disconnects after 30 seconds
Closed this issue · 2 comments
special521 commented
- I've looked at the README 'Common Problems' section
Have you checked this problem on the example app?
FlutterBluePlus Version
Flutter Version
What OS?
OS Version
Android 14
Bluetooth Module
What is your problem?
setNotifyValue After subscription, if the device sends the data stream continuously, the data can be received normally, but after 30 seconds, the Bluetooth connection will be automatically disconnected, and the debugging will be done using the official flutter_blue_plus example, if the device does not automatically transmit the data stream after subscription, Then the Bluetooth will not automatically disconnect, the official example has such a bug, how to solve it
Flutter assets will be downloaded from Make sure you trust this source!
Launching lib\main.dart on V2199A in debug mode...
Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'...
Flutter assets will be downloaded from Make sure you trust this source!
√ Built build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app-debug.apk
Installing build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app-debug.apk...
I/flutter (17103): The Dart VM service is listening on ************************************
I/flutter (17687): The Dart VM service is listening on ************************************
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <setLogLevel> args: 5
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <setLogLevel> result: true
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <getAdapterState> args: null
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <getAdapterState> result: {adapter_state: 4}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <getSystemDevices> args: {with_services: [180f]}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <getSystemDevices> result: {devices: []}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <startScan> args: {with_services: [], with_remote_ids: [], with_names: [], with_keywords: [], with_msd: [], with_service_data: [], continuous_updates: false, continuous_divisor: 1, android_legacy: false, android_scan_mode: 2, android_uses_fine_location: false}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <startScan> result: true
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -63, manufacturer_data: {6: 010920025b2c6ae6ad86375ff00e36bedb9a30f2ea7d7a4312db5e}, remote_id: *****************, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -66, manufacturer_data: {6: 01092002d94e277239a4d5635eedcfc783c21330124ef8a97cd647}, remote_id: *****************, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -79, connectable: 1, manufacturer_data: {17224: 2d30380000000000000000000000000000000000}, remote_id: *****************, platform_name: IOT-08, service_data: {}, adv_name: IOT-08
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -86, manufacturer_data: {6: 010920025616db45326ef5b1613693a746cdbfc30db94c709c9a55}, remote_id: *****************, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -63, manufacturer_data: {6: 01092002264b54e1b2ca7a8b53104be947e041f2ed5edbe15fec41}, remote_id: *****************, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -66, manufacturer_data: {2103: 20b10180304944901c4445533635303d71c42d3133323030340000}, remote_id: *****************, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -70, manufacturer_data: {6: 0109200228af1c2c9721cb1748bc06694e95f5006cc853229c346e}, remote_id: *****************, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -75, connectable: 1, manufacturer_data: {2103: 834034363064313540000769514f203131033d71c42d0000c0a864644f000000000000000000}, remote_id: *****************, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -103, manufacturer_data: {117: 4204012066200d000205200104000100000000000000000042040180667c0a3f751fa57e0a3f751fa401560000000000}, remote_id: *****************, platform_name: [Monitor] Samsung M7 (32), service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -86, connectable: 1, manufacturer_data: {0: 606e415285c1}, remote_id: *****************, platform_name: SFH_303Q_85C1, service_data: {}, adv_name: SFH_303Q_85C1, service_uuids: [fee7]}]}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -79, connectable: 1, manufacturer_data: {0: 001581d86695}, remote_id: *****************, platform_name: BTP-P33, service_data: {}, adv_name: BTP-P33, service_uuids: [49535343-fe7d-4ae5-8fa9-9fafd205e455]}]}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -93, manufacturer_data: {6: 01092002f2978cb505b472f4c8a784e7645323c2eff8ee404e92c6}, remote_id: *****************, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -94, manufacturer_data: {76: 12020003}, remote_id: *****************, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -90, connectable: 1, manufacturer_data: {76: 1005361c95d950}, remote_id: *****************, tx_power_level: 12, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <stopScan> args: null
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <stopScan> result: true
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <connect> args: {remote_id: *****************, auto_connect: 0}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <connect> result: true
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnConnectionStateChanged ]] result: {disconnect_reason_code: 0, disconnect_reason_string: SUCCESS, remote_id: *****************, connection_state: 1}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.connected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <readRssi> args: *****************
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <readRssi> result: true
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnReadRssi ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, rssi: -70, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <discoverServices> args: *****************
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <discoverServices> result: true
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnDiscoveredServices ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, services: [{included_services: [], characteristics: [{descriptors: [], service_uuid: 1800, remote_id: *****************, characteristic_uuid: 2a00, properties: {broadcast: 0, write_without_response: 0, notify_encryption_required: 0, read: 1, authenticated_signed_writes: 0, extended_properties: 0, indicate: 0, indicate_encryption_required: 0, write: 0, notify: 0}}, {descriptors: [], service_uuid: 1800, remote_id: *****************, characteristic_uuid: 2a01, properties: {broadcast: 0, write_without_response: 0, notify_encryption_required: 0, read: 1, authenticated_signed_writes: 0, extended_properties: 0, indicate: 0, indicate_encryption_required: 0, write: 0, notify: 0}}], service_uuid: 1800, is_primary: 1, remote_id: *****************}, {included_services: [], characteristics: [{descriptors: [{service_uuid: 1801, remote_id: *****************, descriptor_uuid: 2902,
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <setNotifyValue> args: {remote_id: *****************, service_uuid: 1801, secondary_service_uuid: null, characteristic_uuid: 2a05, force_indications: false, enable: true}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <setNotifyValue> result: true
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnDescriptorWritten ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: 1801, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, descriptor_uuid: 2902, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: 2a05, value: 0200}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <setNotifyValue> args: {remote_id: *****************, service_uuid: fff2, secondary_service_uuid: null, characteristic_uuid: fff3, force_indications: false, enable: true}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <setNotifyValue> result: true
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnDescriptorWritten ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, descriptor_uuid: 2902, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 0100}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <readCharacteristic> args: {remote_id: *****************, service_uuid: fff2, secondary_service_uuid: null, characteristic_uuid: fff3}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <readCharacteristic> result: true
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_ERROR, service_uuid: fff2, success: 0, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 133, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnConnectionStateChanged ]] result: {disconnect_reason_code: 22, disconnect_reason_string: CONNECTION_TERMINATED_BY_LOCAL_HOST, remote_id: *****************, connection_state: 0}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
special521 commented
chipweinberger commented
FBP cannot fix it