
Cluster your Discord Bot to save a lot of resources. The ultimate Package, which combines the Sharding Manager & Internal Sharding.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Discord server


The first package which combines Sharding Manager & Internal Sharding to save a lot of resources, which allows Clustering!

Aka: "Mixing both: if you need x shards for n process"

When you are interested on auto-scaling & cross hosting on Machines. Look on this Package npmjs.com/discord-cross-hosting


The Sharding Manager is very heavy and it uses more than 300mb on a light usage for every shard, during internal sharding just uses 20% of it. Internal Sharding reaches their limit on more than 14000 Guilds and it becomes slow when your bot gets bigger. Your only solution is to convert to the Sharding Manager. Thatsway this new Package will solve all your problems, because it spawns Shards, which has Internal Shards. You can save up to 60% on resources

Scroll down to check our new Functions.

How does it Work?

There are Clusters/Master Shards, which are like normal shards on the sharding manager and the clusters spawns in addition internal shards. So you do not have to spawn so much normal Shards (master shards ), which you can replace with internal shards. "for process n , n internal shards"

Example: A 4k Discord Bot Normaly we would spawn 4 shards with the Sharding Manager, but we start here with 2 Clusters/MasterShards, which spawns 2 internal shards ==> We save 2 shards in comparision to the Sharding Manager.

See below for the Docs

If you need help feel free to join our discord server. We will provied you all help ☺


You can download it from npm:

npm i discord-hybrid-sharding

Discord.js v13

  • We also support the v13 Library Version
  • When your Broadcastevals are currently strings, dont change them since they are supported
  • But when you want to broadcast functions with the contexts. Easily add the Option usev13, which is shown below.
  • The methods Manager#spawn() accepts just seperate values, not a object like in v13 | e.g Manager#spawn(undefined, undefined, -1)

Setting Up

First we include the module into the project (into your shard/cluster file). Filename: Cluster.js

const Cluster = require("discord-hybrid-sharding");
let {token} = require("./config.json");
const manager = new Cluster.Manager(`${__dirname}/bot.js`,{
                                       totalShards: 7 ,
                                      ///See below for more options
                                       totalClusters: 2, 
                                       mode: "process" ,  //you can also choose worker
                                       token: token,
                                       usev13: true //When you do not use v13 turn it to false
manager.on('clusterCreate', cluster => console.log(`Launched Cluster ${cluster.id}`));
manager.spawn(undefined, undefined, -1)

Sometimes the Cluster.Manager can choose a less amount of total Clusters, when it finds out, that a new cluster is not needed (in very rare cases...)

After that, you have to insert the code below in your bot.js file FileName: Bot.js //You can name your file after you wish

const Cluster = require("discord-hybrid-sharding");
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client({
 	shards: Cluster.data.SHARD_LIST,        //  A Array of Shard list, which will get spawned
	shardCount: Cluster.data.TOTAL_SHARDS, // The Number of Total Shards
const usev13 = true; //When you do not use v13, turn this value to false
client.cluster = new Cluster.Client(client, usev13); //Init the CLient & So we can also access broadcastEval...

Evaling over Clusters

Following examples assume that your Discord.Client is called client.

let guildcount = (await client.cluster.broadcastEval(`this.guilds.cache.size`)).reduce((acc, guildCount) => Number(acc + guildCount), 0);
message.channel.send(`I am in ${guildcount} guilds`)

For v13:
client.cluster.broadcastEval(c => c.guilds.cache.size)
		.then(results => console.log(`${results.reduce((prev, val) => prev + val, 0)} total guilds`))


Option Type Default Description
totalShards number/string 'auto' The Number of Internal Shards, which should be spawned
totalClusters number/string 'auto' The Number of Processes/Clusters which should be spawned
shardList Array[Number] not-required On Cross hosting or spawning specific shards you can provided a shardList of internal Shards id, which should get spawned
mode "worker/process" worker The Cluster.Manager Mode for the processes
token string not-required The Bot token is just required, when you set the totalShards on auto

The Manager.spawn option are the same like Sharding Manager

Cluster Events

Event Description
clusterCreate When a Cluster is spawned the Event is triggered

Cluster Client Properties

You have all properties like broadcasteval..., just replace client.shard with client.cluster Other Properties:

Property Description
client.cluster.count gives the amount of all clusters
client.cluster.id gives the current cluster
client.cluster.ids gives all internal shards of the cluster

Have fun and feel free to contribute/suggest or contact me on my discord server or per dm on Meister#9667

Changes | Updating to Discord-Hybrid-Sharding

- client.shard...
+ client.cluster...

Get Current Cluster ID:

- client.shard.id
+ client.cluster.id

Get Current Shard ID:

- client.shard.id
+ message.guild.shardId

Get Total Shard Count:

- client.shard.count
+ client.cluster.info.TOTAL_SHARDS

Get all ShardID's in the current Cluster:

- client.shard.id
+ [...client.cluster.ids.keys()]

New Functions & Event:

Decentral ClusterClient Eval function, which doesn't open any listeners and minimalizes the chances creating a memory leak during broadcastEvaling.

- Inbuilt Eval Timeout, how long to wait until getting response back
- No addition Listeners ==> less memory leak, better than .broadCastEval
- Client has not to be ready
- All Clusters has not to be ready (just traget Cluster)

client.cluster.evalOnCluster(`this.cluster.id`, {cluster: 0, timeout: 10000})

Evals a Script on the ClusterManager

+ client.cluster.evalOnManager(`process.memoryUsage().rss/1024/1024`)

Listen to some debug Messages and get informed about internal stuff.

+ manager.on('debug', console.log)

Open a PR/Issue when you need other Functions :)

Bugs, Glitches and Issues

If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue in our github repository or join the discord server.


Credits goes to the discord.js libary (See the Changes.md) and to this helpful server