Welcome to Marvels Universe

This is a Single Player Console based role playing game. Where the universe is in danger and different planet is captured by different enemies. As a user you have to play game, fight with enemies and save the universe

For more details see story.txt in src/main/resources, or Run game in story mode.


  • This game is designed for Single player.
  • Player have to create a Character if he has to start new game.
  • Once Enemy encountered while exploring, player have no options other then fighting.
  • Player can not exit while fighting game.
  • This game does not contains levels(Stages) for now.


  • git
  • jdk 1.8
  • gradle 4.5


To build the project please execute the following command

$ git clone "https://github.com/amits2526/marvels-universe.git"
$ cd marvels-universe
$ gradle build


After the project is built please run the following command to launch the game

$ java -jar ./build/libs/marvels-universe-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar