
Refer this youtube video link

Create EC2 instance

  1. Go to AWS Console
  2. In the right corner select the region => Mumbai asia pacific
  3. In the search, "EC2" => launch instances => Give name to vm
  4. Select Free AWS linux
  5. Amazon Machine Image (AMI) Free tire eligible
  6. Create new key pair => this will generate "privatekey file" .pem file
  7. Firewll general security group => new or existing
  8. Configuration storage
  9. Summary number of instances =>1 instance type t2.micro (free)

Finally created on launch instance

Open port 8080

  1. select EC2 instance => select security tab => select security group = > edit inbound rules => select Type => custom TCP => Port range "8080" => Source => => save rules

Connect to Putty

Download and install putty

Search "Puttygen" in windows search start puttygen Generate "ppk file" using ".pem" file generated from EC2 instance click on save "private key" button

Search putty in windows search

add host Name => EC2 instance => pubilc ip address => Connection => SSH => Auth => Credentials => private key file => add ".ppk" file open Enter user name => ec2-user hit cmd => ls -l

To deploy the spring boot jar onto the AWS (Windows => AWS Ec instance)

We need to install WinSCP/ mobxyterm

File protocol => SFTP Host name => port no => 22 user name = > EC2 instance password => ******

then Click on Adavance => SSH => Authentication => browse private key ok Press "Login"

On the Left side "Local Folders" or the right side "/home/ec2-user" Select jar from local that moved to "/home/ec2-user"

Goto putty again

cmd => ls -l

Check jar file is displayed or not Once jar file displayed

Run jar file => java -jar "jar-name"

Then => java not found

To install java => sudo yum install java To check java version =>java -version

then execute => java -jar "jar-name"

To install java => sudo yum install java java -version