
Portfolio website to maintain profile, resume, projects and blogs.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Personal Journal

This is the code for the personal profile/website deployed on the domain Digital-Madness. The design itself is inspired from Brian Lovin's website. If you like the simplicity of my deployment, which majorly maintains a static website you can use the code here. But, Brian lovin has added a lot more features to his website, so, feel free to look at his repository for advanced features.


Setup Development Environment

  1. Install Node Version Manager, NVM.
  2. Install the node version as mentioned in the .nvmrc file. With nvm in bash, you can do cat .nvmrc | nvm install.
  3. With node installed, you can use the specific version everytime you enter the directory with cat .nvmrc | nvm use
  4. Finally, run npm install to install all the required dependencies.

Local Testing

  1. Run npm run dev, it should start the local dev server and automatically open the browser pointing to the locally deployed website.
  2. Make any changes in the website, see changes in the browser.


  1. Build the static website with npm run build
  2. Upload the static website to your server and serve it with any server, like a simple HTTP python server, Apache server, node server, etc.

Use for your own website

Please fork the website and make it your own after removing all the blogposts or other personal elements here. Don't forget to add a star.