Difficulty Level : Easy

  1. BMI Calculator
  2. Calculator
  3. Currency Converter
  4. Monthly Salary Calculation System
  5. Simple Grocery Shop
  6. Simple Loan Calculator
  7. Student Grading System
  8. Temperature Converter
  9. Billing_System
  10. Inventory Control System
  11. Movie-Ticket-Booking
  12. Student Grading System
  13. Simple_CRUD_using Table data

Difficulty Level : Intermediate

  1. Chat Application
  2. Fee-Management-System
  3. IceCream Shop
  4. Pharmacy Management System
  5. Product-Management-System
  6. Quiz-Application-Using-Java
  7. Restaurant POS
  8. Simple_CRUD_Application
  9. Simple_DB_Product_Add Project
  10. Train-Ticket Booking System
  11. student_Management_System
  12. customer-relationship-manager
  13. Vehicle-Registration

Difficulty Level : Hard

  1. AirlineManagementSystem
  2. ATM-Simulator-System-
  3. Library-Management-System

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