
Cenima in SwiftUI

Primary LanguageSwift


Core Features :

  1. List of movies
  2. An infinite scroll will be used to browse more movies
  3. App have two screens, One is movie listing and Second is movie detail
  4. Listing screen have an image, title, genre
  5. Movie detail screen have above properties, description and release date
  6. On API call data will be saved locally
  7. Listing screen will have a menu button to filter the movies by year or name. Filtering is done locally.
  8. Include save image button on detail screen, Which will save movie image to phone
  9. Animations - screen transition, recycle, view animation
  10. Followed MVVM Architecture

I Used :

  • SwiftUI
  • Combine
  • Core Data
  • Swift Package
  • NSSecureCoding

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