
Reusable TableView


This repo contains extensions and implementation that avoid repeated UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate implementations and ensures type-safe code during compliation.

Steps to use Generic module

  1. ReusableTableViewDataManager is the manager that communicates between the viewcontroller and its tableview.
  2. ViewController should hold a strong refernce of this Manager.
  3. Tableview's datasource and delegate should be this Manager reference.

Abstract Explanation

ReusableTableViewDataManager expects objects confirming to protocols:

  • DataProvider (that provides set of models)
  • DataBinder (binds model data in cell)

Demo - Explanation

  • Phone App - This mimics the iOS Phone app UI, where the datasource is updated on segment control change.
  • Mail app - This ViewController loads a sample data of Mails with unread state.
  • Whatsapp - This screen is similar to whatsapp's chat list - screen was designed in storyboard (this module works with storyboard screens also.)
  • Messages - This screen shows a threaded conversation like in messages app.
  • AppStore - This screen demonstrates app-search like in stock Appstore app (using AppTweak for API)

AppDemo - UI

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