Tech Internship Resources

This is a list of resources that I have compiled through my own software engineering internship search. This is by no means a comprehensive list nor am I affiliated with any of the organizations or writers listed below.

Please feel free to contribute to this resource list. To do so, either:

Note: While there may be an overlap with other tech internships like data science etc., this list is primarily focused on software engineering internships.

Resume Resources

  • How to Write Your First Resume: Advice by the University of Washington Paul G. Allen School of Computing on best practices to attract industry recruiters
  • Resume Tips: Presentation put together by the University of Washington's Career & Internship Center on best resume practices
  • HH Websites & Resumes: Great community for both peer reviewing of resumes (getting feedback on your own resume) as well as seeing sample resumes of other individuals within the tech industry

Getting that Experience

  • Karan Goel's Mega Project List: Great starting point for students looking to gain exposure to interview like questions as well as translate their classroom knowledge into real computer science problems
  • Angel List: Start-ups are a great way to gain some footing in the tech industry as well as make a large impact within a smaller setting.

How to get an Interview Resources

  • Intern Supply: Interview Preperation Resources as well as an up-to-date list of tech companies and their job postings - make sure to sign up for their newsletter too!
  • Linkedin: Lots of job postings here as well as a great place to start cold calling recruiters
  • Career Fairs: Don't just hand your resume out, make sure to get recruiters' contact info so that you can follow up with them after the career fair as well as next year
  • Indeed: For Job Postings!

Hopefully by now, you have your own spreadsheet of different companies that you are thinking about applying to as well as their recruiter's name and contact info :)

Acing that Interview Resources

  • Cracking the Coding Interview: I highly recommend buying your own copy of the book!
  • HackerRank: Online Interview Practice
  • LeetCode: Online Interview Practice
  • Facebook CodeLabs: Online Interview Practice
  • Coursera Courses: If you haven't taken some important software engineering courses, check out some of the Coursera courses on data structures and algorithms.
  • Practice-it: Online Interview Practice
  • CSE 143: Introductory Programming II in Java (covers materials such as ArrayLists, Stacks, Queues, Sets, Maps, Binary Trees, Recursion and Recursive Backtracking)
  • CSE 332: Data Structures and Parallelism (covers materials such as Priority Queues, Algorithm Analysis, Recurrences, Dictionaries, Sorting and Parallelism)
  • Glassdoor: Look at previous interview questions from companies right before you interview with them!
  • Big-O Cheatsheet: Super useful :)

Other Resources

  • LSH Resources List: Ladies Storm Hackathons is a diversity organization for women in tech. This repository contains resources on interviewing, negotiating, attending hackthons and diversity focused student organizations.
  • Hackathon Hackers: Comprehensive list of different HH subgroups as well as a list of other amazing opportunities