
Git Commands


  • Open the required directory in any Unix terminal (Linux/ MacOS/ Git Bash).
  • alias name: eg: origin
  • branch: eg: master

Configuring Git

  • Configuring username globally

    git config --global "<username>"
  • Configuring email globally

    git config --global "<email>"


  • Locally initialize a git repository

    git init
  • To add remote repository

     git remote add <alias-name> <git repo url> 
  • Add all files to staging area

     git add -A
  • Add specific files to staging area

     git add <filename>
  • Commit files

     git commit -m "<commit message>"
  • Push Files to github

    git push <alias-name> <branch-name>
  • Pull: To sync remote repo with github repo

    git pull <alias-name>
  • Clone a git repository

    git clone <git repo url>
  • To know the current status of a local git repository

    git status
  • To know the commit history

    git log
  • To switch git branch

    git checkout -b <branch-name>
  • To previous commit and discard all the latest commit after that

    git reset --hard <commit-hash>
    [commit-hash is available with git log command]
  • For more arguments

    git help
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