EpAI CapStone Project

Mailer App

Problem Statement

You are going to build a Python app that can:
read a CSV file that has NAME, SCORE and EMAIL (10+, use the fact that admin@theschoolofai.in and ad.min@theschoolofai.in are the same email ids, so you can use your own for testing)
loads this image (Links to an external site.) (you can use OpenCV, PIL, or anything else you want)
copies each name from the CSV file and adds it to the image (again use OpenCV and font support there to write it on the image) along with other details.
The certificate should finally read:
Award of Excellence for "COURSE NAME" Awarded to "NAME". Date 24th April 2021. Signature "FIXED NAME". You must make sure that the items are placed exactly at the location they should be and with the appropriate font size.
learn how to send emails using Python using this tutorial (Links to an external site.).
Then compose an email that:
will send the final certificate to the email address
reads another file where this email content is written:
Dear NAME,

Congratulations! You have cleared the COURSE NAME with SCORE marks out of TOTAL marks!

We are excited to share the attached Award of Excellence for your performance!


These are the things that are expected:

your code is well documented
your code has at least 50 test cases that test various problems that might be there. Some tests that are expected:
regex check for emails
can handle 1000+ emails without getting crashed
check if names have only characters
checks if internet connection exists
checks if all required (including external) packages are installed
NAME, COURSE NAME, SCORE, TOTAL are variables and can be changed while calling your Python App
you are using at least 2 different custom modules
you are using at least 1 or more packages
you are NOT using while or for loop anywhere
you are use generators and NOT list comprehension anywhere
you are using your OWN Iterator class for creating your name, email and scores database.
you are using:
named tuples
Python's datetime module
at least 2 decorators (eg, a decorator that "knows" if internet connection is there, etc).
the certificates you attach have a proper name (not image1, etc)
all certificates are finally stored in a folder
checks internet connection before doing anything
checks if the external packages that are required (like PIL, OpenCV are already installed)
checks if the certificate already exists in the folder, and if yes, then do not create it again
emails must be sent out at a gap of 30-60 seconds (selectable while running the app)
your code automatically converts names to their "proper form", e.g. ROHAN SHRAVAN to Rohan Shravan
your app can be called from the command line while providing the variable details as well as the CSV file location
your app first runs "some of the tests" before actually sending emails
In your final submission, you need to send emails to yourself 10+ times, then add the 10+ certificates in the folder on Github along with the code, as well as the screenshot of your Gmail box showing these 10+ email along with the time stamp


This is a repo which helps the user to generate certificates with the candidate's name, marks scored, total marks, course name, date issued, signature of the instructor.
The user can then send the certificates to the candidates through mail.
The user is given option whether to use a csv file with format of 'name, score, total' to send mails in bulk.
Otherwise, the user can send a single mail using the command line arguments.
The usage and other instructions are provided below.

Installation and Requirements

opencv-python pytest email_validator urllib3 tcp-latency pyspeedtest speedtest-cli pillow img2pdf sendgrid

Note - All these can be installed using the requirements.txt

Command - '''shell pip install -r requirements.txt '''


Two Modes are provided for the user which can be used on the need -

  1. Bulk Mode

  2. Single Mode

  3. Bulk Mode - Using this mode, the user can send multiple mails to the candidates whose information is given in the form of a csv file.
    For using this mode, please give a csv file which is in the format of 'name, score, email'

Command -

python main.py --filename <file-path-for-csv> --sleep <sleep-timer-in-int> --path <path-to-store-certificates> --certificate_file <path-for-certificate-file> --single_mode <bulk-mode-or-single-mode-selector> --sender_email <mailer_address> --password <mailer-password>

Sample Command -

python main.py --filename /home/cv/workspace2/EpAI2.0_CapStone/file2.csv --sleep 0 --path /home/cv/workspace2/EpAI2.0_CapStone/certificates --certificate_file /home/cv/workspace2/EpAI2.0_CapStone/certificate.jpg --single_mode 1
  1. Single Mode - Using this mode, the user can send a single mail to the candidate whose information is to be given as a command line argument instead of a csv file

Command -

python main.py --filename <file-path-for-csv> --sleep <sleep-timer-in-int> --path <path-to-store-certificates> --certificate_file <path-for-certificate-file> --single_mode <bulk-mode-or-single-mode-selector> --name <string> --course_name <string> --score <int> --total <int> --email <email_address> --sender_email <mailer_address> --password <mailer-password>

Sample Command -

python main.py --filename /home/cv/workspace2/EpAI2.0_CapStone/file2.csv --sleep 0 --path /home/cv/workspace2/EpAI2.0_CapStone/certificates --certificate_file /home/cv/workspace2/EpAI2.0_CapStone/certificate.jpg --single_mode 2 --name chiru --course_name new1111 --score 80 --total 101 --email some@example.net --sender_email some@gmail.com --password some


--filename defines the csv file to be processed

--sleep defines the gap between mails sent, default is set to 30secs

--path defines the path where the certificates are to be stored

--certificate_file defines the path where the certificate template is stored for loading

--single_mode If single_mode is set to 1, then we ask name, course name, score and total from the user, else 2 is for sending multiple

--name Specify name to be written on certificate

--course_name Specify the course name to be written on the certificate

--score Specify the score to be written on the certificate

--total Specify the total score to be written on the certificate

--email Specify the email to be sent with the certificate

--sender_email defines the email through which certificates are sent out

--password Defines the password for th emailer's account

Testing of Code

The code contains around 50 test codes to ensure the standard quality of the code.
The codes are written using the pytest module.
The file named "test_capstone.py" contains all the test cases.
The user can test out the code using the following commands for both the modes.

Command -

Pytest Command for multiple -

pytest -s test_capstone.py --filename /home/cv/workspace2/EpAI2.0_CapStone/file2.csv --sleep 0 --path /home/cv/workspace2/EpAI2.0_CapStone/certificates --certificate_file /home/cv/workspace2/EpAI2.0_CapStone/certificate.jpg --single_mode 1 --name chiru --course_name new1111 --score 80 --total 101 --email some@example.net --sender_email some@gmail.com --password some

Pytest Command for single mail -

pytest -s test_capstone.py --filename /home/cv/workspace2/EpAI2.0_CapStone/file2.csv --sleep 0 --path /home/cv/workspace2/EpAI2.0_CapStone/certificates --certificate_file /home/cv/workspace2/EpAI2.0_CapStone/certificate.jpg --single_mode 2 --name chiru --course_name new1111 --score 80 --total 101 --email some@example.net --sender_email some@gmail.com --password some

Module Explanation


This module is to create a generator using custom iterator class.


This module is used to get all the command-line arguments from the user.


This module is used to send mails to candidates using a third-party offering from sendgrid.


This module is used to send mails with certificates to candidates using the python's built-in library.(It's freeeee)


This module is used to create the decorators used for better functioning of other modules.


This module is used to create certificates with the given information from the user in both .jpg and .pdf file which can be attached while sending the mail.


This module is used to fix the arguments for the testing of code using pytest.


This module is the one which contains all the test cases for testing purposes.

Note - Apart from conftest, test_capstone are contained in the utils_package which is a custom package.