Handwritten Line Text Recognition with Tensorflow


  1. Tensorflow(Tested on Tensorflow-gpu 1.14.0)
  2. autocorrect "pip install autocorrect"
  3. OpenCv

Preparation of Dataset

$cd data/
  • Download IAM dataset to the local machine.
  • Place lines/ folder and lines.txt in the data/ directory.

Pretrained Model for IAM dataset

$ cd model/

Download pretrained model here.

$ unzip pretrained_model.zip

Currently, getting Validation character error rate of saved model: 17.395323%

To Train the model from scratch

$ cd src/
$ python main.py --train

To validate the model

$ cd src/
$ python main.py --validate

To Get Prediction or to run a Demo

$ cd src/

$ python process.py --image <infer_image_path>
Example - python process.py --image "../data/test.png"
Note - Run "process.py" only if using with a custom image.

$ python main.py --infer <processed_image_path>
Example - python main.py --infer "../data/preprocessed_test.png"