
This repository is a collection of my practice on learning OpenCV!

Primary LanguagePython


*1.Changing the resolution-
Use res-change.py to change the resolution of the webcam.
Available resolutions are 480p,720p and 1080p.
There is also an option to change to desired resolution despendingon the capabitlities of the hardware.

*2.Seamless Cloning-
Use seamlessClone.py to clone two images seamlessly.
For demo purposes, code uses images of airplane and sky to clone.

*3.ALpha Blending-
Use alphaBlend.py to blend foreground and background images using alpha as mask.
For demo purposes, code uses foreGroundAsset.png and backGround.jpg as foreground and background images.
Note- Make sure the image has 4 channels(R,G,B,A).

*4.Getting AlphaMask-
Use GetAlpha.py to get alpha channel for your image.
Note- The code uses PIL library.

Use GrabCut.py to grab only the foreground part of the image.

*6.Object Size Finder-
Use object_size.py to find the size of any object simlar to the reference object.
Note- Please give the size of reference object in inches. Also,make sure both the reference object and target object are in the same image. For Demo puproses, 1.jpg can be used.

*7.Distance To Camera-
Use distance_to_camera.py to determine the distance from a known object in an image to our camera.
Note - Prior to using the application, the marker's width and the distance to the camera should be known. The code was tested for 2ft.jpg as the marker image.

*8.Eye Detector-
Use eye_detector.py to detect location of the human eye in an image.
The loacton of the eye is represented as a rectangle.

*9.Record From Webcam-
Use record-video.py to record a video in your desired format and resolution.
Currently, supported versions are .avi and.mp4.