
Converts the CarrierSettings binary protobuf files in Google Pixel device images to XML format compatible with AOSP

Primary LanguagePython


Android Open Source Project (AOSP) includes APN settings (apns-full-conf.xml) and carrier settings (carrier_config_*.xml + vendor.xml) in human-readable XML format. However, Google Pixel device images instead include APN and carrier settings as binary protobuf files for use by the CarrierSettings system app.

This script converts the CarrierSettings protobuf files (e.g., carrier_list.pb, others.pb) to XML format compatible with AOSP. This may be helpful for Android-based systems that do not bundle CarrierSettings, but wish to support carriers that are not included in AOSP.

For a description of each APN and carrier setting, refer to the doc comments in Telephony.java and CarrierConfigManager.java, respectively.


  • curl - required, for android-prepare-vendor
  • e2fsprogs (debugfs) - required, for android-prepare-vendor
  • git - required, for android-prepare-vendor
  • protobuf-compiler (protoc) - optional, see below
  • python3-protobuf - required


Download the carrier ID database from AOSP.


Download a Pixel factory image and extract the CarrierSettings protobuf files. This script will download android-prepare-vendor and copy the directory CarrierSettings containing the protobuf files.

DEVICE=crosshatch BUILD=QQ3A.200605.001 ./download_factory_img.sh

Convert CarrierSettings/*.pb to apns-full-conf.xml and vendor.xml.

./carriersettings_extractor.py CarrierSettings

Protobuf definitions

The definitions in carriersettings.proto are useful for inspecting the CarrierSettings protobuf files.

protoc --decode=CarrierList carriersettings.proto < CarrierSettings/carrier_list.pb
protoc --decode=CarrierSettings carriersettings.proto < CarrierSettings/verizon_us.pb
protoc --decode=MultiCarrierSettings carriersettings.proto < CarrierSettings/others.pb

To check schema or otherwise inspect the protobuf files without applying definitions, use the --decode_raw argument.

protoc --decode_raw < CarrierSettings/carrier_list.pb
protoc --decode_raw < CarrierSettings/verizon_us.pb
protoc --decode_raw < CarrierSettings/others.pb