
Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

StackGrid for Vue 3

StackGrid is a Vue 3 component designed to make it easy and efficient to create dynamic, responsive grid layouts. It automatically arranges items based on the available container width, ensuring a visually appealing presentation on all devices.



See the demo for a live example of StackGrid in action.


  • Responsive: Automatically adjusts to the container's width.
  • Customizable: Offers props for minimum column width, gutter width, and gutter height.
  • Slot Support: Utilize slots to customize the content of each grid item.
  • Vue 3 Composition API: Built with Vue 3's Composition API for better performance and readability.


To install StackGrid, use npm or yarn:

npm i @crob/vue-stack-grid


yarn add @crob/vue-stack-grid


Import StackGrid into your component and use it in your template. Provide it with the necessary props like items, columnMinWidth, gutterWidth, and gutterHeight. Use the slot item to customize how each item in the grid should be displayed.

  <StackGrid :items="items" :column-min-width="100" :gutter-width="10" :gutter-height="10">
    <template #item="{ item }">
      <div>{{ item }}</div>

<script setup>
import StackGrid from '@crob/vue-stack-grid';
const items = [...]; // your items here


  • items (required): An array of items to display in the grid.
  • columnMinWidth (required): The minimum width of each column in pixels.
  • gutterWidth: The horizontal gap between columns in pixels. Default is 0.
  • gutterHeight: The vertical gap between rows in pixels. Default is 0.



The updated:reflow event is emitted after the grid layout has been recalculated. This can occur in response to various triggers, such as a window resize or manual invocation of the reflow process. This event provides a way for parent components to react to changes in the grid layout, enabling additional custom behavior or UI updates based on the new layout state.

Listening to the Event

To listen to the updated:reflow event, attach an event listener to the <StackGrid> component in your template. You can then define a method within your component to handle the event.

  <StackGrid @updated:reflow="handleReflowEvent"></StackGrid>

<script setup>
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import StackGrid from '@crob/vue-stack-grid';

const handleReflowEvent = () => {
  console.log('Grid layout was updated.');
  // Additional logic to handle the grid update...



Triggers a reflow of the grid layout. This can be useful if you've dynamically changed the items or their sizes and need to re-calculate the layout of the grid.
To use this method, you'll need to get a reference to the StackGrid component instance in your parent component. Here's an example of how to do this with Vue 3's Composition API:

  <StackGrid ref="stackGridRef" :items="items" :columnMinWidth="100" :gutterWidth="10" :gutterHeight="10">
    <template #item="{ item }">
      <div>{{ item }}</div>
  <button @click="reflowGrid">Reflow Grid</button>

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import StackGrid from '@crob/vue-stack-grid';

const stackGridRef = ref();
const items = ref([...]); // Your items here

function reflowGrid() {
  if (stackGridRef.value) {

This section demonstrates how to access and call the reflow method exposed by the StackGrid component.


Contributions are welcome! If you have an idea or suggestion, please feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.