
OpenWrt based gateway images including ChirpStack components.

Primary LanguageShell

ChirpStack Gateway OS

ChirpStack Gateway OS is an open-source OpenWrt based embedded OS for LoRa® gateways. It provides a web-interface for configuration and contains pre-defined configuration options for common LoRa hardware to make it easy to setup a LoRa gateway and optionally a ChirpStack-based LoRaWAN® Network Server.

Note: If you are looking for the Yocto recipes of the previously Yocto based ChirpStack Gateway OS, please switch to the v4_yocto branch.

Documentation and binaries

Please refer to the ChirpStack Gateway OS documentation for documentation and pre-compiled images.

Building from source


Building ChirpStack Gateway OS requires:


To initialize the OpenWrt build environment, run the following command:

make init

This will:

  • Clone the OpenWrt code
  • Fetch all the OpenWrt feeds, including the ChirpStack OpenWrt Feed
  • Symlink configuration and files


This step is not required after running make init, but allows you to update the OpenWrt source and feeds at a later point:

make update


For building the ChirpStack Gateway OS, you must enter the Docker-based development environment first:

make devshell

Switch configuration

Each target and image has its own OpenWrt configuration file, files and patches. These can be found under the conf directory of this repository.

To switch to one of these configuration environments, you must execute:

make switch-env ENV=name-of-env

Fo example if you would like to switch to base_raspberrypi_bcm27xx_bcm2709, you execute:

make switch-env ENV=base_raspberrypi_bcm27xx_bcm2709

This will:

  • Undo all previously applied patches.
  • Update the symlinks for OpenWrt configuration and files.
  • Apply all patches.

Building image

Once the configuration has been set, run the following command to build the ChirpStack Gateway OS image:


Note that this can take a couple of hours depending on the selected configuration and will require a significant amount of disk-space.

Making configuration changes

Note: The commands listed below must be executed within the openwrt directory.

To make configuration changes (e.g. add additional packages), you can execute:

make menuconfig

As updates to OpenWrt packages can introduce new configuration options over time, you can run the following command to update the configuration:

make defconfig

Please refer also to the OpenWrt build system usage documentation.
