The most common word used to describe computer programming in architecture school is "scripting," a diminuitive that brings to mind "script kiddies" cutting-and-pasting php scripts to attempt to exploit websites, or middle managers who don't really know what programmers do.
As a former computer programmer, I naturally recoiled from this word, as well as its partner in crime, "parametricism" - the term used to describe a computer-generated form that is at best only superficially understood.
What does scripting mean, in architecture, in programming, in the public imagination?
Scripting occurs when a "user" utilizes some sort of computer code (thereby reconfiguring roles?)
"design computing"
computer as assistant vs. computer as design agent.
This is an attempt to explore more completely the idea of architecture and computer being more fully embedded. What does this consist of?
- Architectural Geometry - NURBS, subdivs, etc. - what are the different ways to model 2d, 3d, and 4d space, and what are their strengths and weaknesses?
- Architectural "scripting languages" - Rhino Python, Auto Lisp, and the like
- Graphical Programming - Grasshopper and extensions (Weaverbird, etc.)
- Artificial Intelligence - how can architecture
- Architectural Geometry](
- Architecture's New Media: Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design
Physical form, according to D'Arcy Thompson (1917), is the resolution at one instant of time of many forces that are governed by rates of change - Negroponte / Architecture machine.