
Learn PowerShell the Challenging way

What the what?

This is a humble attempt to introduce you to powershell and all it's glory. This will be a challenge based approach, some answers will come easy, others you may have to dig for. But it'll be fun? and involve googling things.


Powerhsell (duh?)

You can certainly complete everything in this repo using Windows PowerShell 5.1, but that's boring. Get on the new stuff and install PowerShell 7.2 (for linux and mac too!)

  • Via Chocolatey
choco install powershell-core

VSCode (for developy reasons)

  • Via Chocolatey
choco install vscode

Big List of PowerShell Training Resources


This is the series that got me started so I am biased. I steal most of what I know and say from this series. Well worth the investment.

This guy can hold my attention, even as a disembodied voice. Also, check out his series on Azure and Devops.

This is just a presentation by Jeffrey Snover (inventor of powershell) about figuring out where tech is heading and what it means for your career.


Microsoft has actually done an amazing job with their learning resources and is able to keep these up to date.


This is the same Capture the Flag format as Over The Wire for linux.

The goal of the PowerShell koans is to teach you PowerShell by presenting you with a set of questions. Each kōan (each question) is represented by a failing Pester test.


Will probably take more than a month, but this is where I steal most of my content.

By the same guy (Don Jones) as above. Great deep dive into making stuff for others to use.

Set of challenge questions to see if you actually know what you think you know about PowerShell.

You'd have to be a real nerd to read this one... so i have and loved it.