
Library for crawling web site with depth limitation.

Primary LanguageGo


Library for crawling web site with depth limit.

Getting started

How it works

Given a root URL, it returns a site map, showing which static assets each page depends on, and the links between pages.

The crawler is limited to one domain - crawling example.com it crawls all pages within the domain, but does not follow external links.


Installations requires Go1.1 for goquery.

$ go get github.com/chisler/webcrawler


Depth has its default, startUrl does not.

$ webcrawler 
Usage: main -startUrl=http://example.com/ -depth=3
  -depth int
        Depth of crawling. (default 4)
  -startUrl string
        Root URL of website to crawl.

Proper running

$ webcrawler -startUrl=http://monzo.com -depth=2
$ ls

$GOPATH should be set.

What's in the box

$ head result.txt 

Extracted 14 pages
Execution started at 2017-03-27 15:50:22.692179718 +0300 MSK
Execution took 3.431152137s

Node: http://monzo.com/-play-store-redirect 
Urls: [urllist] 
Assets: [assetlist] 

Run tests

$ go test github.com/chisler/webcrawler/crawl
ok      github.com/chisler/webcrawler/crawl     0.003s
$ go test github.com/chisler/webcrawler/fetch
ok      github.com/chisler/webcrawler/fetch     0.008s

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