Steps to Follow:
create a virtual env:
python -m preferred-env-name
activate virtual env:
python -m preferred-env-name/Scripts/activate
install dependencies:
pip install django
get env pip list in a file:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
create django main project:
django-admin startproject projectName
navigate to app:
cd /projectName
start python server:
python runserver
start component of your app:
django-admin startapp preferredComponentName
update changes done on your apps or main django project:
python migrate
create superuser on your app:
python createsuperuser
- username: chisomloius
- email:
- password: testMyCRMApp
create add a path on your to the main projectName
create add a path on your to preferredComponentName App
- add a the url path to the file from the created on the app
- start adding a functions, ladning pages on the
set up static files/folder
- naviagte to the projectName folder and create a static folder
- add as many subfolders under the files as you want
create your app level templates under the prefferedComponentNameApp
- add a folder called templates
- under the templates folder add another folder called the prefferedComponentNameApp
- add files like index.html under the prefferedComponentNameApp
create the app blueprint:
- create the inherited base file: base.html, navbar.html
- create the necessaries set-up templates
- add the views by creating the necessary functions
- add the different libraries been used to the settings
- start building the models on
- add the migrations by running
python makemigrations
- add the migrations to SQL DB by running
python migrate
- add crispy forms
- add django messages
test cases
- username1: dragonfire
- password1: NaijainTinubutimes
- username1: dragonfire2
- password1: NaijainTinubutimes