
Linear-time sampling algorithm for geometric inhomogeneous random graphs with a special case implementation for hyperbolic random graphs.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

This project contains an implementation of a linear-time sampling algorithm for geometric inhomogeneous random graphs (GIRG) with a special case implementation for hyperbolic random graphs (HRG). Details on the algorithms as well as the models can be found in our corresponding paper: Efficiently Generating Geometric Inhomogeneous and Hyperbolic Random Graphs (conference version, journal version).

We provide a C++ library and a command line client for each of the two generators.



The most recent version of the generators can be installed from our personal package archive (PPA link).

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chistopher/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libgirgs-all 

The libgirgs-all package depends on all sub-packages:

  • the runtime libgirgs
  • the cli's libgirgs-cli
  • the headers and cmake files libgirgs-dev
  • and the debug runtime libgirgs-dbg

If you installed libgirgs-cli you can verify the install by running genhrg --version. The result should look something like this.

HyperGIRGs command line interface.

girgs v1.0.2 (8a6647cd7ec2)
Generator for Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


A Win64 installer for each release can be downloaded from the release page. It features similar components as the ubuntu PPA. If a more recent version is desired, the project can be build and installed from source.


A packaged build is not available. Feel free to open a pull request. However, building from source should work just as detailed below. We will add osx to the travis builds as soon as their images have CMake >=3.12.


An integration into the NetworKit framework is planned.

Build from Source

To build the project from source you need

  • CMake 3.12+
  • C++11
  • OpenMP
  • OPTIONAL: CPU with BMI2 instruction set

The optional development components use

The simplest way to build the project is

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -B build
cmake --build build

or for a debug build

cmake -DOPTION_BUILD_TESTS=ON -B build-debug
cmake --build build-debug

The project can be installed globally with the install target. Alternatively, there is the pack target which generates a debian package that can be installed via aptitude or dpkg.


The project contains two CLI's: gengirg and genhrg. You can use --version to determine the version of your respective generator.

The GIRG generator features the following input parameters.

./gengirg --help
usage: ./gengirg
		[-n anInt]          // number of nodes                          default 10000 
        	[-d anInt]          // dimension of geometry    range [1,5]     default 1
		[-ple aFloat]       // power law exponent       range (2,3]     default 2.5
		[-alpha aFloat]     // model parameter          range (1,inf]   default infinity
		[-deg aFloat]       // average degree           range [1,n)     default 10
		[-wseed anInt]      // weight seed                              default 12
		[-pseed anInt]      // position seed                            default 130
		[-sseed anInt]      // sampling seed                            default 1400
		[-threads anInt]    // number of threads to use                 default 1
		[-file aString]     // file name for output (w/o ext)           default "graph"
		[-dot 0|1]          // write result as dot (.dot)               default 0
		[-edge 0|1]         // write result as edgelist (.txt)          default 0

The HRG generator features the following input parameters.

./genhrg --help
usage: ./genhrg
		[-n anInt]          // number of nodes                          default 10000
		[-alpha aFloat]     // model parameter          range [0.5,1]   default 0.75
		[-t aFloat]         // temperature parameter    range [0,1)     default 0
		[-deg aFloat]       // average degree           range [1,n)     default 10
		[-rseed anInt]      // radii seed                               default 12
		[-aseed anInt]      // angle seed                               default 130
		[-sseed anInt]      // sampling seed                            default 1400
		[-threads anInt]    // number of threads to use                 default 1
		[-nkr 0|1]          // use NetworKit R estimation               default 0
		[-file aString]     // file name for output (w/o ext)           default "graph"
		[-edge 0|1]         // write result as edgelist (.txt)          default 0
		[-coord 0|1]        // write hyp. coordinates (.hyp)            default 0

C++ Library

The library is based in the cmake-init project template. Detailed information on the build system design can be found there.

For the standard use case, we provide a buffered edge list generation supporting parallel execution in the headers hypergirgs/Generator.h and girgs/Generator.h.

#include <hypergirgs/Generator.h>

auto R = hypergirgs::calculateRadius(n, alpha, T, deg);
auto radii = hypergirgs::sampleRadii(n, alpha, R, rseed);
auto angles = hypergirgs::sampleAngles(n, aseed);
// generates edge list as vector<pair<int,int>>
auto hrg_edges = hypergirgs::generateEdges(radii, angles, T, R, sseed);

Internally, the algorithm is templated with a callback that is called for each emitted edge. Using lambdas, a custom callback can be used as follows.

#include <hypergirgs/HyperbolicTree.h>

auto callback = [] (int a, int b, int tid) { ... }; // tid is thread id
auto generator = hypergirgs::makeHyperbolicTree(radii, angles, T, R, callback);

For details we refer to our example applications in source/examples/ or the CLI's in source/cli/. Also, a deployed version of the documentation is available at weyand.dev/girgs.

Usage in a CMake Project

To include girgs into your CMake project, it's as simple as this.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)
project(ineedgirgs CXX)
find_package(girgs REQUIRED)
add_executable(main main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE girgs::girgs)

If you have girgs installed globally (e.g. via the Debian package), they are found automatically. If you want to link against a source build, then add the girgs repo to your CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or specify it directly when configuring the build. That is, in your repo do cmake -Dgirgs_DIR=~/repos/girgs/ -B build-debug.