
Use Confluent KSQL with node.js and socket.io to PUSH data to chartjs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is a quick example of how to get data out of kafka in realtime, do some stream processing to make it more effective in charts, and then PUSH it to a web client, rather than the old paradigm of pull and batch.

This example leverages Websockets (Socket.io NPM), however I have also implemented this in Server Sent Events, which I will probably integrate into this repo so you can run either/both depending on your requirements.

Websocket Datavis architecture diagram


This assumes you've run Confluent tarball (or have another Confluent Kafka environment running). It's assumes non-secured cluster and thus a non-SASL client config, in the client config of kafkajs-vis-server.js you'll see a commented section for if you do need to specify jaas config.


Make sure you have Node.js and NPM installed!

Install all NPM prereqs by running the following command while inside the cloned repo folder:

npm install

NOTE: You shouldn't need to get anything extra for ChartJS Streaming Plugin; However, if you want to update it to latest, get it from here and put in the dist folder: https://github.com/nagix/chartjs-plugin-streaming

Let's Go!

  1. Fire up a terminal and go into your confluent home directory (in this case 5.4.0 tarball).

cd ~/Confluent/confluent-5.4.0

..then create our topics we'll use with the following:

bin/kafka-topics --create --topic TRUCK_ENGINE_SENSORS --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
bin/kafka-topics --create --topic TRUCK_1_SENSORS --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
bin/kafka-topics --create --topic TRUCK_2_SENSORS --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
bin/kafka-topics --create --topic TRUCK_3_SENSORS --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

..then run consumer to watch the records come through a command line:

bin/kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic TRUCK_ENGINE_SENSORS --from-beginning

  1. Fire up another terminal and go into the following directory (assuming you cloned this into your home directory):

cd ~/Kafka_KSQL_PushVis/truck_sensors/producers

..and run the producer script..


(take a look at that shell script, tweak as desired, current parameters work well)

  1. In a fresh console run


..then, open the truck_streams.ksql file in a text editor and walk through each section via the KSQL CLI, copy/paste into ksql and run, ensure each is successful.

  1. Run a select query on the ingest topic and produce data, see it coming through


Then show that TRUCK_1_ENGINE_SENSORS is getting data to it due to the filtering/output stream we did in one of the ksql create statements.


  1. We're now ready to let'r rip.. node kafkajs-vis-server.js

  2. Open the web page (index.html) and watch the data roll in

Note also for showing how bidirectinal websocket communication works

  1. Push the start/stop producing buttons and look at correspending code in kafkajs-vis-server.js
  2. Click into the input field under the vis run a command like ls and hit enter.. show that we can execute commands on the remote system (that's how start/stop producer runs).

What if my kafka is running somewhere other than localhost??

No problem, go into kafkajs-vis-server.js and edit the bootstrap server url in the brokers parameter. If you need ssl and/or sasl (aka Confluent Cloud creds), uncomment that section under the brokers parameter and you're good to go!


With this you can now go create a modern event-first visualization platform. Go forth and profit!