Largest Independent Set Problem 1
Given a Binary Tree of size N, find the size of the Largest Independent Set(LIS) in it. A subset of all tree nodes is an independent set if there is no edge between any two nodes of the subset. Your task is to complete the function LISS(), which finds the size of the Largest Independent Set.
So basicall going to do an advance post order traversal and getting the solution:
class Solution {
public int LISS(Node node){
//Write your code here
if(node == null)
return 0;
HashMap<Node,Integer> hmp = new HashMap<Node,Integer>();
return helper(node,hmp);
public int helper( Node node,HashMap<Node,Integer> hmp){
if(node == null)
return 0;
return hmp.get(node);
int leftChildSum = node.left!=null?(LISS(node.left)):0;
int rightChildSum = node.right!=null?(LISS(node.right)):0;
int leftLGrandChildSum = node.left!=null&&(node.left.left!=null)?LISS(node.left.left):0;
int leftRGrandChildSum = node.left!=null&&(node.left.right!=null)?LISS(node.left.right):0;
int rightLGrandChildSum = node.right!=null&&(node.right.left)!=null?LISS(node.right.left):0;
int rightRGrandChildSum = node.right!=null&&(node.right.right)!=null?LISS(node.right.right):0;
int childVal = leftChildSum+rightChildSum;
int grandChildVal = leftLGrandChildSum+leftRGrandChildSum+rightLGrandChildSum+rightRGrandChildSum;
return hmp.get(node);