
Given K sorted arrays arranged in the form of a matrix of size K*K. The task is to merge them into one sorted array.


Practise Link: https://practice.geeksforgeeks.org/problems/merge-k-sorted-arrays/1

Given K sorted arrays arranged in the form of a matrix of size K*K. The task is to merge them into one sorted array.

Thq question is looking for a sorted unidirectional array,from a 2d matrix which is already sorted in some special manner. We could have used sorting algorithm, the time and space complexity would be O(nlogn) and O(n^2) where n=k. We used heap in order to save the space however time comeplxity remains the same. Here are the steps that i used

  1. Push all the first col elements in the priority queue with the row and column number, here we are using a min heap
  2. After that, run a while loop with a condition that the heap is not empty
  3. In the while loop pop out the top element from the heap, get the row and col num , check if the col_num is the last colum or not
  4. If col_num is the last column number i.e. k-1, then repeatedly pop the elements from the heap, until col_num is the last column.
  5. When the program comes out of the while loop, check that still the col_num is the last column or not.
  6. If it is not then push the element present at the row_num and col_num +1 in the heap.
  7. When popping the element from the heap, add the item in the output list.

Here is the working code.

class Item{
    int row_num;
    int col_num;
    int value;
    Item(int row_num,int col_num,int value){
        this.row_num = row_num;
        this.col_num = col_num;
        this.value = value;
class Solution
    //Function to merge k sorted arrays.
    public static ArrayList<Integer> mergeKArrays(int[][] arr,int k) 
        // Write your code here.
        PriorityQueue<Item> pq = new PriorityQueue<Item>(new Comparator<Item>(){
            public int compare(Item i1,Item i2){
                return i1.value-i2.value;
        for(int i=0;i<k;i++){
          pq.add(new Item(i,0,arr[i][0]));   
        ArrayList<Integer> op = new ArrayList<Integer>();
          Item item = pq.poll();
          int row_num = item.row_num;
          int col_num = item.col_num;
              item = pq.poll();
              row_num = item.row_num;
              col_num = item.col_num;
          if(col_num !=k-1){
              pq.add(new Item(row_num,col_num+1,arr[row_num][col_num+1]));
        return op;