
About Me:

I am working as a researcher. I like to work upon new innovative ideas and implement them. Beside that I love to do coding, it keeps me refresh. But now, I also love to do real experiments kind of stuffs.

I am a CFD guy working in OpenFOAM, Ansys, bla..bla.. and Blender(especailly fluid animation).


Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling your writing. It includes conventions for

Syntax highlighted code block

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3

- Bulleted
- List

1. Numbered
2. List

**Bold** and _Italic_ and `Code` text

[Link](url) and ![Image](src)

For more details see Basic writing and formatting syntax.

Jekyll Themes

Your Pages site will use the layout and styles from the Jekyll theme you have selected in your repository settings. The name of this theme is saved in the Jekyll _config.yml configuration file.

Support or Contact

Connect me via my email or social networks or whatsapp number: 1.) Email: chitransh.atre@gmail.com

2.) LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chitransh-atre/

3.) Whatsapp: +91-7718718558