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React Static Components

You've been showing off your portfolio and projects to your friends, family and classmates and they all say "It's fine. I like it!" But you want more insight.

So you decide to look into some analytical tools... but wow! They are expensive! You decide to make your own.

You visualize a dashboard with components for reviews, average rating, sentiment analysis and website visitors

Dashboard Wireframe

Try to recreate this wireframe with React. Be sure to create a few components (e.g. app, sidebar, reviews, average rating, sentiment analysis, website visitors).


  1. Fork and clone this repository.
  2. Change into the new directory.
  3. Follow the setup instructions.
  4. Fulfill the listed requirements.

Unless otherwise specified on the calendar or by an instructor, homework is due the next morning by 9:00am.


Build out the above wireframe in react components. This is all static, so you don't need to do anything with props or state unless you want to.

When you're finished, submit a pull request.

Get Started

  • how would you get started? What do you need?
  • Think about how many components you need
  • What need to be passed through and what doesn't?

Set up

From inside this project folder:

  • create-react-app dashboard
  • cd into dashboard
  • open it in your favorite text editor
  • in terminal run npm start to track live changes
  • once you confirm that it renders begin building out your dashboard

Bonus: Dark Theme!

Keep going! Add more details, add some css

Cool Looking Dashboard

Dashboard example found here:


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  1. All content is licensed under a CC­BY­NC­SA 4.0 license.
  2. All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact

