
一个用walk框架写的windowsGUI示例(golang)/A windows GUI demo written by walk framework(golang)

Primary LanguageGo


一个用walk框架写的windowsGUI示例(golang) / A windows GUI demo written by walk framework(golang)

功能点包括:输入框,密码行,登录,系统托盘,页面切换,窗口最大化禁用,窗口尺寸禁止修改等 / Function nodes include: input box, password line, login, system tray, page switching, window maximization disabled, window size disabled, etc

项目结构 / Project Structure


master directory(clientDemo)


resource directory(clientDemo/resource)[Include imgs and manifest files]


service directory(clientDemo/service)[Include all functions except ui]


ui directory(clientDemo/ui)[Include all ui functions]


main.go[Program entry]


clientDemo.syso[Generate by rsrc tool]


go.mod[Package management file of golang]

步骤 / Steps

1:安装golang环境,需要Go 1.11.x或更新的版本(https://go.dev/doc/install)

Install the golang environment,require Go 1.11.x or later(https://go.dev/doc/install)

2:执行"go mod tidy"命令下载go.mod文件中的依赖

Run "go mod tidy" command to download the dependencies in the go.mod file


If you want to fully master the project compilation process, you need to install the rsrc tool

(1):执行"go get github.com/akavel/rsrc" 命令下载rsrc工具

Execute the "go get github.com/akavel/rsrc" command to download the rsrc tool


Enter GOPATH and find the rsrc directory


If the GOPATH environment variable is configured, you can directly enter through "%GOPATH%\pkg\mod\github.com\akavel"


If there is no configuration and golang is installed by default, GOPATH is usually in the "C: Users yourComputerName go" directory


Enter the rsrc directory and set the rsrc Copy the exe file to the% GOROOT% bin directory, and then you can use the rsrc command (% GOROOT% is the installation directory of golang)

(4):使用"rsrc -manifest resource/clientDemo.exe.manifest -o clientDemo.syso -ico resource/icon.ico"命令进行打包,"-manifest resource/clientDemo.exe.manifest"表示将"resource/clientDemo.exe.manifest"文件作为打包时的声明文件,"-o clientDemo.syso"设置生成的文件名称,"-ico resource/icon.ico"声明最终生成.exe文件的图标。PS:icon.ico文件必须是标准的.ico文件,不能是.jpeg文件直接修改文件后缀名形成。

Use the "rsrc -manifest resource/clientDemo.exe.manifest -o clientDemo.syso -ico resource/icon.ico" command to package. "-manifest resource/clientDemo.exe.manifest" means to use the "resource/clientDemo.exe.manifest" file as the declaration file when packaging. "-o clientDemo.syso" sets the name of the generated file. "-ico resource/icon.ico" declares the icon of the final generated.exe file. PS:The icon.ico file must be a standard. ico file, not a .jpeg file.can't get by Modifing the file suffix!

(5):执行" go build -ldflags="-H windowsgui" "命令进行编译,并形成.exe文件," -ldflags="-H windowsgui" "参数用于消除cmd命令框,如果需要则可以直接使用"go build"命令进行编译

Execute the " go build -ldflags="-H windowsgui" " command to compile and form Exe file, " -ldflags="-H windowsgui" " parameter is used to eliminate the cmd command box. If necessary, you can directly use the "go build" command to compile


run clientDemo.exe file