
Orchestration of Docker-based, multi-host environments

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

MaestroNG, an orchestrator of Docker-based deployments

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The original Maestro was developed as a single-host orchestrator for Docker-based deployments. Given the state of Docker at the time of its writing, it was a great first step towards orchestration of deployments using Docker containers as the unit of application distribution.

Docker having made significant advancements since then, deployments and environments spanning across several hosts are becoming more and more common and are in the need for some orchestration.

Based off ideas from the original Maestro and taking inspiration from Docker's links feature, MaestroNG makes the deployment and control of complex, multi-host environments using Docker containers possible and easy to use. Maestro of course supports declared dependencies between services and makes sure to honor those during environment bring up.

What is Maestro?

MaestroNG is, for now, a command-line utility that allows for automatically managing the orchestrated deployment and bring up of a set of service instance containers that compose an environment on a set of target host machines.

Each host machine is expected to run a Docker daemon. Maestro will then contact the Docker daemon of each host in the environment to figure out the status of the environment and what actions to take based on the requested command.


MaestroNG requires Docker 0.6.7 or newer on the hosts as it makes use of the container naming feature and bug fixes in NAT port forwarding.

You'll also need the following Python modules, although these will be automatically installed by setuptools if you follow the instructions below.

  • PyYAML (you may need to install this manually, e.g. apt-get install python-yaml)
  • Jinja2
  • requests
  • A recent docker-py

If you plan on using the HipChat auditor, you'll also need python-simple-hipchat.


You can install Maestro via Pip:

$ pip install --user --upgrade git+git://github.com/signalfuse/maestro-ng

Note for MacOS users

The above command may fail if you installed Python and pip via Homebrew, usually with the following error message:

error: can't combine user with prefix, exec_prefix/home, or install_(plat)base

This is because the Homebrew formula for pip configures distutils with an installation prefix, and this cannot be combined with the use of the --user flag, as describe in https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/wiki/Homebrew-and-Python#note-on-pip-install---user.

If you encounter this problem, simply install the package without the --user flag:

$ pip install --upgrade git+git://github.com/signalfuse/maestro-ng


The orchestration features of Maestro obviously rely on the collaboration of the Docker containers that you are controlling with Maestro. Maestro basically takes care of two things:

  1. Controlling the start (and stop) order of services during environment bring up and tear down according to the defined dependencies between services.
  2. Passing extra environment variables to each container to pass all the information it may need to operate in that environment, in particular information about its dependencies.

Let's first look at how environments and services are described, then we'll discuss what information Maestro passes down to the containers through their environment.

Environment description

The environment is described using YAML. The format is still a bit in flux but the base has been set and should remain fairly stable. It is named and composed of three main mandatory sections: the registries that define authentication credentials that might be needed to pull the Docker images for the defined services from their registries, the ships, hosts that will execute the Docker containers, and the services, which define what service make up the environment, the dependencies between these services and the instances of each of these services that need to run. Here's the outline:

  schema: 2

name: demo
  # Auth credentials for each registry that needs them (see below)
  # defaults for some of the ship attributes (see below)
  # Ships definitions (see below)
  # Services definition (see below)

The first element, __maestro, is used to pass in some information to Maestro that does not directly relate to your enviroment description, but helps Maestro understand it. In particular, the schema version is used to note what version of the YAML "schema" Maestro will be using when parsing the enviroment description. This is used when backwards incompatible changes are introduces by Maestro to provide an easier upgrade path.

The registries define for each Docker registry Maestro might need to pull images from the authentication credentials needed to access them (see below Working with image registries). For each registry, the full registry URL, a username and a password are required, and depending on the registry the email might be as well. For example:

    registry: https://my-private-registry/v1/
    username: maestro
    password: secret
    email: maestro-robot@domain.com

The ship defaults allow you to specify certain ship attribute defaults, like timeout, docker_port, and ssh_timeout.

  timeout: 60

The ships are simple to define. They are named (but that name doesn't need to match their DNS resolvable host name), and need an ip address/hostname. If the Docker daemon doesn't listen its default port of 2375, the docker_port can be overriden.

If the address of the machine is not the one you want to use to interact with the Docker daemon running there (for example via a private network), you can override the Docker daemon endpoint address with the endpoint parameter. If not specified, Maestro will simply use the ship's ip parameter.

You can also use an SSH tunnel to secure the communication with the target Docker daemon (especially if you don't want to Docker daemon to listen on anything else than localhost, and rely on SSH key-based authentication instead). Here again, if the endpoint parameter is specified, it will be used as the target host for the SSH connection.

If the Docker daemon is listening on a unix domain socket in the local filesystem, you can specify socket_path to connect to it directly. This is useful when the Docker daemon is running locally.

  vm1.ore1: {ip: c414.ore1.domain.com}
  vm2.ore2: {ip: c415.ore2.domain.com, docker_port: 4243}
    ip: c416.ore3.domain.com
    endpoint: c416.corp.domain.com
    docker_port: 4243
      user: ops
      key: {{ env.HOME }}/.ssh/id_dsa
      port: 22 # That's the default

You can also connect to a Docker daemon secured by TLS. Note that if you want to use verification, you have to give the IP (or something that is resolvable inside the container) as IP, and the name in the server certificate as endpoint.

Not using verification works too (just don't mention tls_verify and tls_ca_cert), but a warning from inside urllib3 will make maestroe's output unreadable.

In the example below, "docker1" is the CN in the server certificate. All certificates and keys have been created as explained in https://docs.docker.com/articles/https/

        endpoint: docker1
        tls: true
        tls_verify: true
        tls_ca_cert: ca.pem
        tls_key: key.pem
        tls_cert: cert.pem

Services are also named. Their name is used for commands that act on specific services instead of the whole environment, and is also used in dependency declarations. Each service must define the Docker image its instances will be using, and of course a description of each instance. It can also define environment variables that will apply to all of that service's instances.

Each service instance must at least define the ship its container will be placed on (by name). Additionally, it may define:

  • image, to override the service-level image repository name, if needed (useful for canary deployments for example);
  • ports, a dictionary of port mappings, as a map of <port name>: <port or port mapping spec> (see below for port spec syntax);
  • lifecycle, for lifecycle state checks, which Maestro uses to confirm a service correctly started or stopped (see Lifecycle checks below);
  • volumes, for container volume mappings, as a map of <source from host>: <destination in container>. Each target can also be specified as a map {target: <destination>, mode: <mode>}, where mode is ro (read-only) or rw (read-write);
  • container_volumes, a path, or list of paths inside the container to be used as container-only volumes with no host bind-mount. This is mostly used for data-containers;
  • volumes_from, a container or list of containers running on the same ship to get volumes from. This is useful to get the volumes of a data-container into an application container;
  • env, for environment variables, as a map of <variable name>: <value> (variables defined at the instance level override variables defined at the service level);
  • privileged, a boolean specifying whether the container should run in privileged mode or not (defaults to false);
  • stop_timeout, the number of seconds Docker will wait between sending SIGTERM and SIGKILL (defaults to 10);
  • limits:
    • memory, the memory limit of the container (in bytes, or with one of the k, m or g suffixes, also valid in uppercase);
    • cpu, the number of CPU shares (relative weight) allocated to the container;
    • swap, the swap limit of the container (in bytes, or with one of the k, m or g suffixes, also valid in uppercase);
  • command, to specify or override the command executed by the container;
  • net, to specify the container's network mode (one of bridge -- the default, host, container:<name|id> or none to disable networking altogether);
  • restart, to specify the restart policy (see Restart Policy below);
  • dns, to specify one (as a single IP address) or more DNS servers (as a list) to be declared inside the container.
    image: zookeeper:3.4.5
        ship: vm1.ore1
        ports: {client: 2181, peer: 2888, leader_election: 3888}
          running: [{type: tcp, port: client}]
        privileged: true
          /data/zookeeper: /var/lib/zookeeper
          memory: 1g
          cpu: 2
        ship: vm2.ore1
        ports: {client: 2181, peer: 2888, leader_election: 3888}
          running: [{type: tcp, port: client}]
          /data/zookeeper: /var/lib/zookeeper
          memory: 1g
          cpu: 2
    image: kafka:latest
    requires: [ zookeeper ]
        ship: vm2.ore1
        ports: {broker: 9092}
          running: [{type: tcp, port: broker}]
          /data/kafka: /var/lib/kafka
            target: /etc/localtime
            mode: ro
          BROKER_ID: 0
        stop_timeout: 2
          memory: 5G
          swap: 200m
          cpu: 10
        dns: [, ]
        net: host
          name: on-failure
          maximum_retry_count: 3

Defining dependencies

Services can depend on each other (circular dependencies are not supported though). This dependency tree instructs Maestro to start and stop the services in an order that will respect these dependencies. Dependent services are started before services that depend on them, and conversly leaves of the dependency tree are stopped before the services they depend on so that at no point in time a service may run without its dependencies -- unless this was forced by the user with the -o flag of course.

Defining dependencies is done by giving a list of the dependent service names in the service block:

    image: mysql
      mysql-server-1: { ... }

    image: nginx
    requires: [ mysql ]
      www-1: { ... }

Defining a dependency also makes Maestro inject into the instances of the service environment variables that describe where the instances of the service it depends on can be found (similarly to Docker links). See "How Maestro orchestrates" below for more details on these variables.

It is also possible to define "soft" dependencies that do not impact the start/stop orders but that still make Maestro inject these variables. This can be useful if you know your application gracefully handles its dependencies not being present at start time, through reconnects and retries for examples. Defining soft dependencies is done via the wants_info entry:

    image: mysql
      mysql-server-1: { ... }

    image: nginx
    wants_info: [ mysql ]
      www-1: { ... }

Port mapping syntax

Maestro supports several syntaxes for specifying port mappings. Unless the syntax supports and/or specifies it, Maestro will make the following assumptions:

  • the exposed and external ports are the same (exposed means the port bound to inside the container, external means the port mapped by Docker on the host to the port inside the container);
  • the protocol is TCP (/tcp);
  • the external port is bound on all host interfaces using the address.

The simplest form is a single numeric value, which maps the given TCP port from the container to all interfaces of the host on that same port:

# 25/tcp ->
ports: {smtp: 25}

If you want UDP, you can specify so:

# 53/udp ->
ports: {dns: 53/udp}

If you want a different external port, you can specify a mapping by separating the two port numbers by a colon:

# 25/tcp ->
ports: {smtp: "25:2525"}

Similarly, specifying the protocol (they should match!):

# 53/udp ->
ports: {dns: "53/udp:5353/udp"}

You can also use the dictionary form for any of these:

  # 25/tcp ->
    exposed: 25
    external: 25

  # 53/udp ->
    exposed: 53/udp
    external: 5353/udp

If you need to bind to a specific interface or IP address on the host, you need to use the dictionary form:

# 25/tcp ->
    exposed: 25
    external: [, 25 ]

  # 53/udp ->
    exposed: 53/udp
    external: [, 5353/udp ]

Note that YAML supports references, which means you don't have to repeat your ship's IP address if you do something like this:

  demo: {ip: &demoip, docker_port: 4243}

        exposed: 25/tcp
        external: [ *demoip, 25/tcp ]

Port mappings and named ports

When services depend on each other, they most likely need to communicate. If service B depends on service A, service B needs to be configured with information on how to reach service A (its host and port).

Even though Docker can provide inter-container networking, in a multi-host environment this is not possible. Maestro also needs to keep in mind that not all hosting and cloud providers provide advanced networking features like multicast or bridged frames. This is why Maestro makes the choice of always using the host's external IP address and relies on traditional layer 3 communication between containers.

There is no performance hit from this, even when two containers on the same host communicate, and it enables inter-host communication in a more generic way regardless of where the two containers are located. Of course, it is up to you to make sure that the hosts in your environment can communicate with each other.

Note that even though Maestro allows for fully customizable port mappings from the container to the host (see Port mapping syntax) above, it is usually recommended to use the same port number inside and outside the container. It makes it slightly easier for troubleshooting and some services (Cassandra is one example) assume that all their nodes use the same port(s), so the port they know about inside the container may need to be the external port they use to connect to one of their peers.

One of the downsides of this approach is that if you run multiple instances of the same service on the same host, you need to manually make sure they don't use the same ports, through their configuration, when that's possible.

Finally, Maestro uses named ports, where each port your configure for each service instance is named. This name is the name used by the instance container to find out how it should be configured and on which port(s) it needs to listen, but it's also the name used for each port exposed through environment variables to other containers. This way, a dependent service can know the address of a remote service, and the specific port number of a desired endpoint. For example, service depending on ZooKeeper would be looking for its client port.

Volume bindings

Volume bindings are specified in a way similar to docker-py and Docker's expected format, and the mode (read-only 'ro', or read-write 'rw') can be specified for each binding if needed. Volume bindings default to being read-write.

  # This will be a read-write binding
  /on/the/host: /inside/the/container

  # This will be a read-only binding
    target: /inside/the/container/too
    mode: ro

Note that it is currently not possible to bind-mount the same host location into two distinct places inside the container as this is not supported by docker-py (it's a dictionary keyed on the host location).

Container-only volumes can be specified with the container_volumes setting on each instance, as a path or list of paths:

  - /inside/the/container/1
  - /inside/the/container/2

Finally, you can get the volumes of one or more containers into a container with the volumes_from feature of Docker, as long as the containers run on the same ship:

# other1 and other2 run on the same ship as this container
volumes_from: [ other1, other2 ]

Lifecycle checks

When controlling containers (your service instances), Maestro can perform additional checks to confirm that the service reached the desired lifecycle state, in addition to looking at the state of the container itself. A common use-case for example is to check for a given service port to become available to confirm that the application correctly started and is accepting connections.

When starting containers, Maestro will execute all the lifecycle checks for the running target state; all must pass for the instance to be considered correctly up and running. Similarly, after stopping a container, Maestro will execute all stopped target state checks.

Checks are defined via the lifecycle dictionary for each defined instance. The following checks are available: TCP port pinging, and script execution (using the return code). Keep in mind that if no running lifecycle checks are defined, Maestro considers the service up as soon as the container is up and will keep going with the orchestration play immediately.

TCP port pinging makes Maestro attempt to connect to the configured port (by name), once per second until it succeeds or the max_wait value is reached (defaults to 300 seconds).

Assuming your instance declares a client named port, you can make Maestro wait up to 10 seconds for this port to become available by doing the following:

    image: zookeeper:3.4.5
    ports: {client: 2181}
        - {type: tcp, port: client, max_wait: 10}

HTTP Request makes Maestro execute web requests to a target, once per second until it succeeds or the max_wait value is reached (defaults to 300 seconds).

Assuming your instance declares a admin named port that runs a webserver, you can make Maestro wait up to 10 seconds for an HTTP request to this port for the default path "/" to succeed by doing the following:

    image: frontend
    ports: {admin: 8080}
        - {type: http, port: admin, max_wait: 10}


  • port, named port for an instance or explicit numbered port
  • host, IP or resolvable hostname (defaults to ship.ip)
  • match_regex, regular expression to test response against (defaults to checking for HTTP 200 response code)
  • path, path (including querystring) to use for request (defaults to /)
  • scheme, request scheme (defaults to http)
  • method, HTTP method (defaults to GET)
  • max_wait, max number of seconds to wait for a successful response (defaults to 300)
  • requests_options, additional dictionary of options passed directly to python's requests.request() method (e.g. verify=False to disable certificate validation)

Script execution makes Maestro execute the given command, using the return code to denote the success or failure of the test (a return code of zero indicates success, as per the Unix convention). The command is executed a certain number of attempts (defaulting to 180), with a delay between each attempt of 1 second. For example:

type: exec
command: "python my_cool_script.py"
attempts: 30

The command's execution environment is extended with the same environment that your running container would have, which means it contains all the environment information about the container's configuration, ports, dependencies, etc. You can then use Maestro guest utility functions to easily grok that information from the environment (in Python). See "How Maestro orchestrates and service auto-configuration" and "Guest utils helper functions" below for more information.

Note that the current working directory is never changed by Maestro directly; paths to your scripts will be resolved from wherever you run Maestro, not from where the environment YAML file lives.

Restart policy

Since version 1.2 docker allows to define the restart policy of a container when it stops. The available policies are:

  • restart: no, the default. The container is not restarted;
  • restart: always: the container is always restarted, regardless of its exit code;
  • restart: on-failure: the container is restarted if it exits with a non-zero exit code.

You can also specify the number of maximum retries for restarting the container before giving up:

  name: on-failure
  retries: 3

Or as a single string (similar to Docker's command line option):

restart: "on-failure:3"

How Maestro orchestrates and service auto-configuration

The orchestration performed by Maestro is two-fold. The first part is providing a way for each container to learn about the environment they evolve into, to discover about their peers and/or the container instances of other services in their environment. The second part is by controlling the start/stop sequence of services and their containers, taking service dependencies into account.

With inspiration from Docker's links feature, Maestro utilizes environment variables to pass information down to each container. Each container is guaranteed to get the following environment variables:

  • DOCKER_IMAGE: the full name of the image this container is started from.
  • DOCKER_TAG: the tag of the image this container is started from.
  • SERVICE_NAME: the friendly name of the service the container is an instance of. Note that it is possible to have multiple clusters of the same kind of application by giving them distinct friendly names.
  • CONTAINER_NAME: the friendly name of the instance, which is also used as the name of the container itself. This will also be the visible hostname from inside the container.
  • CONTAINER_HOST_ADDRESS: the external IP address of the host of the container. This can be used as the "advertised" address when services use dynamic service discovery techniques.

Then, for each container of each service that the container depends on, a set of environment variables is added:

  • <SERVICE_NAME>_<CONTAINER_NAME>_HOST: the external IP address of the host of the container, which is the address the application inside the container can be reached with accross the network.
  • For each port declared by the dependent container:
    • <SERVICE_NAME>_<CONTAINER_NAME>_<PORT_NAME>_PORT, containing the external, addressable port number.

Each container of a service also gets these two variables for each instance of that service so it knows about its peers. It also gets the following variable for each port defined:

  • <SERVICE_NAME>_<CONTAINER_NAME>_<PORT_NAME>_INTERNAL_PORT, containing the exposed (internal) port number that is, most likely, only reachable from inside the container and usually the port the application running in the container wants to bind to.

With all this information available in the container's environment, each container can then easily know about its surroundings and the other services it might need to talk to. It then becomes really easy to bridge the gap between the information Maestro provides to the container via its environment and the application you want to run inside the container.

You could, of course, have your application directly read the environment variables pushed in by Maestro. But that would tie your application logic to Maestro, a specific orchestration system; you do not want that. Instead, you can write a startup script that will inspect the environment and generate a configuration file for your application (or pass in command-line flags).

To make this easier, Maestro provides a set of helper functions available in its maestro.guestutils module. The recommended (or easiest) way to build this startup script is to write it in Python, and have the Maestro package installed in your container.


Maestro also supports defining links to link same-host containers together via Docker's Links feature. Read more about Docker Links to learn more. Note that the format of the environment variables is not the same as the ones Maestro inserts into the container's environment, so software running inside the containers needs to deal with that on its own.

Defining links is done through the instance-level links section, with each link defined as a child in the format name: alias:

    image: ...
        # ...
          mongodb01: db

Guest utils helper functions

To make use of the Maestro guest utils functions, you'll need to have the Maestro package installed inside your container. You can easily achieve this by adding the following to your Dockerfile (select the version of Maestro that you need):

ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install python python-pip git
RUN pip install git+git://github.com/signalfuse/maestro-ng

This will install the latest available version of Maestro. Feel free to change that to any other version of Maestro you like or need.

Then, from your startup script (in Python), do:

from maestro.guestutils import *

And you're ready to go. Here's a summary of the functions available at your disposal that will make your life much easier:

  • get_environment_name() returns the name of the environment as defined in the description file. Could be useful to namespace information inside ZooKeeper for example.
  • get_service_name() returns the friendly name of the service the container is a member of.
  • get_container_name() returns the friendly name of the container itself.
  • get_container_host_address() returns the IP address or hostname of the host of the container. Useful if your application needs to advertise itself to some service discovery system.
  • get_container_internal_address() returns the IP address assigned to the container itself by Docker (its private IP address).
  • get_port(name, default) will return the exposed (internal) port number of a given named port for the current container instance. This is useful to set configuration parameters for example.

Another very useful function is the get_node_list function. It takes in a service name and an optional list of port names and returns the list of IP addresses/hostname of the containers of that service. For each port specified, in order, it will append :<port number> to each host with the external port number. For example, if you want to return the list of ZooKeeper endpoints with their client ports:

get_node_list('zookeeper', ports=['client']) -> ['c414.ore1.domain.com:2181', 'c415.ore1.domain.com:2181']

Other functions you might need are:

  • get_specific_host(service, container), which can be used to return the hostname or IP address of a specific container from a given service, and
  • get_specific_port(service, container, port, default), to retrieve the external port number of a specific named port of a given container.
  • get_specific_exposed_port(service, container, port, default), to retrieve the exposed (internal) port number of a specific named port of a given container.

Working with image registries

When Maestro needs to start a new container, it will do whatever it can to make sure the image this container needs is available; the image full name is specified at the service level.

Maestro will first check if the target Docker daemon reports the image to be available. If the image is not available, or if the -r flag was passed on the command-line (to force refresh the images), Maestro will attempt to pull the image.

To do so, it will first analyze the name of the image and try to identify a registry name (for example my-private-registry/my-image:tag, the address of the registry is my-private-registry) and look for a corresponding entry in the registries section of the environment description file to look for authentication credentials, if they are needed to access the images from that registry.

If credentials are found, Maestro will login to the registry before attempting to pull the image.

Passing extra environment variables

You can pass in or override arbitrary environment variables by providing a dictionary of environment variables key/value pairs. This can be done both at the service level and the container level; the latter taking precedence:

    image: ...
      FOO: bar
      ship: host
        FOO: overrides bar
        FOO_2: bar2

Additionally, Maestro will automatically expand all levels of YAML lists in environment variable values. The following are equivalent:

  FOO: This is a test
  BAR: [ This, [ is, a ], test ]

This becomes useful when used in conjunction with YAML references to build more complex environment variable values:

  DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS: &jvmopts [ '-Xms500m', '-Xmx2g', '-showversion', '-server' ]


  JVM_OPTS: [ *jvmopts, '-XX:+UseConcMarkSweep' ]


Once installed, Maestro is available both as a library through the maestro package and as an executable. To run Maestro, simply execute maestro. Note that if you didn't install Maestro system-wide, you can still run it with the same commands as long as your PYTHONPATH contains the path to your maestro-ng repository clone and using python -m maestro ....

$ maestro -h
usage: maestro [-h] [-f FILE] [-v]
               {status,pull,start,stop,restart,logs,deptree} ...

Maestro, Docker container orchestrator.

positional arguments:
    status              display container status
    pull                pull images from repository
    start               start services and containers
    stop                stop services and containers
    restart             restart services and containers
    logs                show logs from a container
    deptree             show the dependency tree
    complete            shell auto-completion helper

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  read environment description from FILE (use - for
                        stdin, defaults to ./maestro.yaml)
  -v, --version         show program version and exit

You can then get help on each individual command with:

$ maestro start -h
usage: maestro start [-h] [-c LIMIT] [-d] [-i] [-r] [thing [thing ...]]

Start services and containers

positional arguments:
  thing                 container(s) or service(s) to display

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c LIMIT, --concurrency LIMIT
                        limit how many containers can be acted on at the same
                        time to LIMIT
  -d, --with-dependencies
                        include dependencies
  -i, --ignore-dependencies
                        ignore dependency order
  -r, --refresh-images  force refresh of container images from registry

By default, Maestro will read the environment description configuration from the maestro.yaml file in the current directory. You can override this with the -f flag to specify the path to the environment configuration file. Additionally, you can use - to read the configuration from stdin. The following commands are identical:

$ maestro status
$ maestro -f maestro.yaml status
$ maestro -f - status < maestro.yaml

The first positional argument is a command you want Maestro to execute. The available commands are status, start, stop, restart, logs and deptree. They should all be self-explanatory.

Most commands operate on one or more "things", which can be services or instances, by name. When passing service names, Maestro will automatically expand those to their corresponding list of instances. The logs command is the only one that operates on strictly one container instance.

Impact of defined dependencies on orchestration order

One of the main features of Maestro is its understand of dependencies between services. When Maestro carries out an orchestration action, dependencies are always considered unless the -i | --ignore-dependencies flag is passed.

But Maestro will only respect the dependencies to other services and containers that the current orchestration action includes. If you want Maestro to automatically include the dependencies of the services or containers you want to act on in the orchestration that will be carried out, you must pass the -d | --with-dependencies flag!

For example, assuming we have two services, ZooKeeper (zookeeper) and Kafka (kafka). Kafka depends on ZooKeeper:

# Starts Kafka and only Kafka:
$ maestro start kafka

# Starts ZooKeeper, then Kafka:
$ maestro start -d kafka
# Which is equivalent to:
$ maestro start kafka zookeeper

# Starts ZooKeeper and Kafka at the same time (includes dependencies but
# ignores dependency order constraints):
$ maestro start -d -i kafka

Examples of Docker images with Maestro orchestration

For examples of Docker images that are suitable for use with Maestro, you can look at the following repositories: