Conversation Generation

The end goal is to generation training data in the form of conversations for a language model. For this, we will use llama.cpp.


We'll first need to clone the repository, build the project, and download the model weights. We'll use a "small" model, Phi 2B. We can always use larger models (e.g. Lamma2 7B) if needed.

git clone
cd llama.cpp

Run make to build the project, or see below to add support for gpu acceleration.

GPU Acceleration (optional)

Llama.cpp supports GPU Acceleration with CUBLAS. First ensure you have applicable hardware such as an NVIDIA graphics card. Then, install nvidia-cuda-toolkit on your system, ensuring nvcc runs.

Then, we can instead build with make LLAMA_CUBLAS=1. When starting the binary, we can also use the runtime argument -ngl to specify a number of gpu layers.

./main -m phi-2.Q4_K_M.gguf -i -ngl 20


If everything ran properly, you should be able to chat and ask questions by running the following:

MODEL=phi-2.Q4_K_M.gguf ./examples/

Creating Conversations with the Chat Builder

We can use the chat-builder tool to generate conversations on keywords, directing the model with a configuration file. This config.json contains the words list, the input prompt, and other kinds of information on what the input response should and should not contain.

Basic Setup

First, lets clone the repository and copy the script over.

git clone
cp chat-builder/ /dir/to/llama.cpp/

Next, we need a base configuration file. Copy the following into example.json in your llama.cpp directory.

	"name": "example",
	"model": "phi-2.Q4_K_M.gguf",
	"prompt_lines": [
		"We end this document with a conversation between a student and a teacher, where the teacher conveys the meaning of \"{word}\"",
	"words" : [
	"exclude": [

Now we can start generating conversations.

python example.json >> /tmp/example-conv.txt

If you built llama.cpp with CUBLAS, you can also pass in the ngl GPU layer argument directly into the script.

python example.json -ngl 20 >> /tmp/example-conv.txt

Conversations on a Specific Topic

Lets build a configuration file for a specific topic, in this case physics. We can create one from an online resource or generate one.

Online Resource Generated Lists (recommended)

For this example, we will use Wikipedia's glossary of physics terms.

wget -O -  | grep '<dt class="glossary" .*<a .*>.*</a></dfn></dt>' | sed 's:.*><a .*>\(.*\)</a>.*:"\1",:g' > /tmp/physic-terms.txt

Model Generated Lists

We can run something like the following to generate a list of physics related terms, but (in the writers experience at least) it generally has mixed results.

./main -m phi-2.Q4_K_M.gguf -p 'The following is a list of 1000 physics terms. There will be NOTHING except physics terms next:\n"gravity", "force", "energy", "absolute zero", ' --escape

Building the Configuration File

With our words list generated, we can transfer them into the words array in our new physics.json config file, derived from the example above. We can also make sure to adjust our prompt to say "...between a student and a physics teacher..."

From there, we can generate conversations like before.

python physics.json >> /tmp/physics-conv.txt

Experiment with your configuration file based on output, adjutsing the prompt, words, and excluded words as needed to ensure conversations remain on topic.

Full Sending Generation

If all loks okay, we can use a simple bash script to generate conversations indefinitely. Note that conversations are written to the output file in "chunks", and you won't immediately see the written output until one iteration of the entire python script is completed.

Put the following into a script and run it to generate conversations.


if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
    echo usage: config.json output.txt

while true; do
	python $1 >> $2

This takes arguments for the input configuration file and the output file, letting us generate conversations like this:

./ physics.json /tmp/physics-conv.txt

Training a Model

If we have generated "enough" conversations, we can prep our data & train a model.

Conversation Formatting

To prepare the conversations for training, we need to remove lines without proper terms (that don't start with STUDENT, TEACHER, TERM), remove trailing lines (conversations should always end with the teacher), and change the key terms to symbols. We can use the script in the chat-builder repo to do so.

python /tmp/physics-conv.txt >> prepped-physics-conv.txt


For training, we will utilize and from personimmonsai's llama2.c.

After cloning the repo, we can copy the training parameters used by smol-llama-101M in the file.

git clone
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # I/O
 out_dir = "out"
-eval_interval = 2000
+eval_interval = 100
 log_interval = 1
 eval_iters = 100
 eval_only = False  # if True, script exits right after the first eval
@@ -49,15 +49,15 @@ wandb_project = "llamac"
 wandb_run_name = "run" +"%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
 # data
 batch_size = 128  # if gradient_accumulation_steps > 1, this is the micro-batch size
-max_seq_len = 256
+max_seq_len = 512
 vocab_source = "llama2" # llama2|custom; use Lllama 2 vocab from Meta, or custom trained
 vocab_size = 32000 # the Llama 2 tokenizer has 32K tokens
-dataset = "tinystories"  # tinystories|tinyshakespeare|tinytext
+dataset = "tinytext"  # tinystories|tinyshakespeare|tinytext
 # model
-dim = 288
+dim = 768
 n_layers = 6
-n_heads = 6
-n_kv_heads = 6
+n_heads = 24
+n_kv_heads = 8
 multiple_of = 32
 dropout = 0.0
 # adamw optimizer

For pretokenizing, will look for our conversation in data/tinytext.txt so lets move it there.

mkdir ./llama2.c/data
mv prepped-physics-conv ./llama2.c/data/tinytext.txt

We can then run the following to finish our preperations.

python pretokenize

After data/tinytext.bin is generated, we can use to train our model. Adjust the hyperparameters as needed.

python -m --compile=False --eval_iters=10 --batch_size=2


When our model is complete, we can convert it to gguf format with llama.cpp tools.


We will have to set some environmental variables first. The one that matters is file, which is the .pt file should have generated in an out folder.


We can then convert our checkpoint file into /tmp/out.gguf

python -c "import torch; import json; c = torch.load('$file')['model_args'];c.setdefault('norm_eps', 1e-05) ; print(json.dumps(c))" > "$params"
python --outfile "$out" --vocab-dir . "$file" --ctx 512 --pad-vocab


With our .gguf file in hand, we can test it with the following.

./main --log-disable -m /tmp/out.gguf --in-prefix '' --escape --reverse-prompt '\n= ' -i