This application connects to Google Drive to download the Colorado COVID-19 case data. The application then processes the county specific data into the attribute table of a Colorado by county shapefile


The only requirement is python3 with pip installed.

Quick Start

git clone
cd co-covid-shp-generator
pip install  --upgrade -r requirements.txt
mkdir downloads
cp sample.csv downloads/
python ./


Google Drive Configuration

In order to use this application, you'll need to configure your Google credentials to download data files from Google Drive

  1. Configure your Google credentials based on these instructions
  2. Ensure the credentials are configured to allow Google Drive API. Implementing an IP based restriction is also recommended
  3. set those credentials in the config.yml file with the following format:


After Google API credentials are provided, the application can be run with the -d parameter to download the entire set of data and process all of it into shapefiles. On a default run, one new shapefile will be produced for every csv file that exists in the downloads directory. For every csv file in the downloads directory, a corresponding shapefile will be created in the shapefiles directory.

If you only need to process a subset of the data, copy only that supset to the downloads directory to be processed into shapefiles.


The application is meant to be repeatable such that subsequent runs will always return the same result as long as the data source doesn't change. The reasoning behind this is because the fast pace that the data is changing because our understanding of COVID is rapidly changing. Additionally, the State of Colorado continues to add additional data points as time progresses.

This application uses the base shapefile provided in the shapefiles/base directory to create derivative shapefiles from. Updates to the base shapefile will appear in all derivative shapefiles as well, with the limitation of the capabilities provided by (pyshp)[]

Statistic Mapping

Due to the fact that ESRI Shapefile format only supports a max of 10 characters, the attribute table fields have been shortened. All statistics below are per county. Here is the mapping:

Field name Mapped Statistic
CASECOUNT Total number of cases per county
CASEPER100 Nubmer of cases per 100,000 people
DEATHS Total number of deaths
PCR Total number of PCR test conducted
SEROLOGY Total number of serology tests conducted
TESTRATE Rate of test per 100,000 people
TOTALTESTS Total number of tests conducted



This repo usese pre-commit and requires python version 3.7. Since there are the potential for Google API secrets, we do use Yelp's detect-secrets which will need to be installed