
Java application that simulates monitoring internet usage for different applications

Primary LanguageJava


Java application that simulates monitoring internet usage for different applications

Internet Usage Monitoring


In this assignment, you will create a Java application that simulates monitoring internet usage for different applications: Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, and Slack. The application will simulate the scenario where Slack is the most heavily used application and therefore should be monitored more frequently.


  • Understand how to create and manage threads in Java.
  • Learn how to use the sleep() method to simulate time delays.
  • Practice simulating different usage patterns for multiple applications.


  • You are required to create a Java application that monitors internet usage for the specified applications.
  • Each application will have its own monitoring thread.
  • The Slack application should be monitored more frequently to reflect its heavy usage.
  • The application should simulate monitoring for a fixed duration (e.g., 30 seconds) and then gracefully shut down.
  • The expected result is that the application will output the simulated internet usage monitoring logs for each application, with Slack logs appearing more frequently.


  1. Define a UsageMonitorTask class that implements Runnable. This class will simulate monitoring internet usage for a given application.
class UsageMonitorTask implements Runnable {
    private String appName;
    private int delay;

    public UsageMonitorTask(String appName, int delay) {
        this.appName = appName;
        this.delay = delay;

    public void run() {
        // your code is here
  1. In the run() method of UsageMonitorTask, simulate monitoring by printing the application name and sleeping for the specified delay period.
public void run() {
    while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
        System.out.println("Monitoring internet usage for: " + appName);

        // Simulate monitoring by sleeping
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println(appName + " monitoring interrupted.");
  1. In the main method, create and start separate threads for each application. Use different delays to simulate the frequency of monitoring, with a shorter delay for Slack.
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        // Create tasks with different delays
        Runnable facebookTask = new UsageMonitorTask("Facebook", 3000);
        Runnable youtubeTask = new UsageMonitorTask("YouTube", 3000);
        Runnable whatsappTask = new UsageMonitorTask("WhatsApp", 3000);
        Runnable slackTask = new UsageMonitorTask("Slack", 1000); // Shorter delay for Slack

        // Create threads for the tasks
        Thread facebookThread = new Thread(facebookTask);
        Thread youtubeThread = new Thread(youtubeTask);
        Thread whatsappThread = new Thread(whatsappTask);
        Thread slackThread = new Thread(slackTask);

        // Start the threads
        // your code is here

        // Let the tasks run for a certain amount of time (e.g., 30 seconds)
        // your code is here

        // Interrupt the tasks, simulating a shutdown or cancellation
        // your code is here

        // Wait for all threads to finish
        // your code is here

        // All tasks are complete
        System.out.println("Internet usage monitoring tasks have been completed.");

Tips and Notes

  • Use Thread.sleep() to simulate time delays.
  • Remember to handle InterruptedException in your run() method.
  • Adjust the delay for each application to simulate the frequency of monitoring. Slack should have the shortest delay to reflect its heavy usage.
  • Use Thread.interrupt() to stop the threads after the monitoring duration has elapsed.
  • Use Thread.join() to wait for all threads to finish before exiting the main method.

Bonus Task

  • Implement a shared resource (e.g., a UsageStats object) that all threads update with the amount of data used by each application. Synchronize access to this shared resource to prevent race conditions.