
RPG Character Roller with Random( and Scanner( I added personally))

Primary LanguageJava

RPG Character Roller

Write a fantasy game character creator!


  • Option 1

    • Create a public repository on your GitHub profile
    • Clone it and add these instructions as README.md
  • Option 2:

    • Fork this repository and clone your fork of this
  • Make sure .class files are not included in git :)


  • Create a new class called Creator.java
  • Make Creator take in the character name as an argument
  • Create a role playing game character
    • A character will randomly be a Warrior, Wizard or Potato
    • Each character has stats: Health, Strength and Magic
    • Each stat is random, between 2 and 12
    • Warriors will have triple Strength
    • Wizards will have triple Magic
    • Potatoes will have triple Health
  • Example of desired program output below


Example of desired program output below:

$ javac Creator.java && java Creator Veera
Welcome to the character generator!
Veera is.... a Wizard!

        Strength: 6
        Magic: 18
        Health: 11

Happy adventuring!