
Using javax.sound.sampled and play wav audio file

Primary LanguageJava


Console based Java Sound Audio Player by using 'javax.sound.sampled' tutorial with Bro Code(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyZQVJiARTQ).

How it appears and works on console:


User enter 'P', 'S', 'R' or 'Q' to play, stop, resume, quit the audio file 'Chimes_and_Bow.wav'.

Once the user enters 'Q', the audio stops and the program ends.

*It takes a bit of time to hear the sound of the audio file 'Chimes_and_Bow.wav' after entering 'P' because the file itself starts the sound after a second. This is because of how I mixed the audio file and not because of the program itself.