
Assignment: Events Scheduling Database Design


Design a PostgreSQL database for an event scheduling application. This database will incorporate advanced data types to manage events, attendees, venues, and more. You are expected to create a schema that includes 8 tables, each with at least 5 records. Additionally, you will write 10 queries to demonstrate how to interact with the database effectively.

Database Schema

Tables Overview

  1. Events
  2. Attendees
  3. Venues
  4. Organizers
  5. Event_Schedules
  6. Tickets
  7. Reviews
  8. User_Preferences

Table Definitions

  1. Events

    • event_id: UUID
    • title: TEXT
    • description: JSONB
    • venue_id: UUID (FK)
    • organizer_id: UUID (FK)
    • schedule: tsrange
  2. Attendees

    • attendee_id: UUID
    • name: TEXT
    • email: TEXT
    • preferences: JSONB
    • tickets: UUID[]
  3. Venues

    • venue_id: UUID
    • name: TEXT
    • location: JSONB
    • capacity: INTEGER
    • contact_info: TEXT[]
  4. Organizers

    • organizer_id: UUID
    • name: TEXT
    • contact_info: JSONB
  5. Event_Schedules

    • schedule_id: UUID
    • event_id: UUID (FK)
    • start_time: TIMESTAMPTZ
    • end_time: TIMESTAMPTZ
    • description: TEXT
  6. Tickets

    • ticket_id: UUID
    • event_id: UUID (FK)
    • attendee_id: UUID (FK)
    • price: NUMERIC
    • status: ENUM ('available', 'sold', 'reserved')
  7. Reviews

    • review_id: UUID
    • event_id: UUID (FK)
    • attendee_id: UUID (FK)
    • rating: ENUM ('poor', 'fair', 'good', 'excellent')
    • comment: TEXT
  8. User_Preferences

    • user_id: UUID (FK -> Attendees)
    • interests: TEXT[]
    • notifications_enabled: BOOLEAN

Sample Records Insertion

For each table, insert at least 5 records. Here's an example for the Events table:

INSERT INTO events (event_id, title, description, venue_id, organizer_id, schedule) VALUES
('uuid-1', 'Tech Conference', '{"topics":["AI", "Cloud"]}', 'venue-uuid-1', 'org-uuid-1', '[2023-10-01 09:00, 2023-10-01 17:00]'),
('uuid-2', 'Music Festival', '{"genres":["Rock", "Pop"]}', 'venue-uuid-2', 'org-uuid-2', '[2023-08-05 12:00, 2023-08-05 23:00]');


  1. Find all events happening in October 2023.
  2. List attendees who have 'Music' as an interest.
  3. Retrieve all venues with a capacity greater than 500.
  4. Get the contact information for organizers of 'Tech Conference'.
  5. Find all events with tickets still available.
  6. List all reviews for a specific event, ordered by rating.
  7. Update the schedule for an event.
  8. Find attendees who have enabled notifications.
  9. Retrieve the total number of tickets sold for each event.
  10. List all events an attendee is going to, based on their ticket purchases.

Assignment Tasks

  1. Design the database schema: Create the tables as defined above, ensuring proper data types and relationships are used.
  2. Insert sample data: Populate each table with at least 5 records.
  3. Write queries: Construct the 10 queries listed above to interact with the database.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submit the SQL scripts for creating tables, inserting data, and the queries.
  • Include a diagram of the database schema showing tables, columns, and relationships.
  • Ensure your queries are well-commented to explain their purpose and functionality.

This assignment will test your ability to design a comprehensive database schema using advanced PostgreSQL features and interact with the database through complex queries.