
a basic game written in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Rock-Paper-Scissors (Python)

Build Status

A basic game written in Python.


  • Anaconda 3.7
  • Python 3.7
  • Pip


Fork the repository from GitHub source.

Then use GitHub Desktop or the command-line to "clone" or download your fork onto your local computer:

git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/rock-paper-scissors-py.git # this is the HTTP address, but you could alternatively use the SSH address

Navigate into your local repo from the command-line before running any of the other commands below:

cd rock-paper-scissors-py


Create and activate a new Anaconda virtual environment:

conda create -n game-env python=3.7 # first time only
conda activate game-env

The only game which requires package installation is the PySimpleGUI Game, so if you want to play that one, you'll need to install the package first:

pip install PySimpleGUI


CLI Game

Play the game from the command-line:

python app/game.py

a screenshot of gameplay

tkinter GUI Game

Play the game from a tkinter GUI:

python app/tk_game.py

a screenshot of gameplay

PySimpleGUI Game

Play the game from a PySimpleGUI GUI:

python app/sg_game.py

a screenshot of gameplay


Install pytest (first time only):

pip install pytest

Run tests:
