Code for Münster Homepage at

Install & run using Docker

(These instructions are for Linux. On OSX/Windows, Docker has to be installed differently.)

  • Install Docker and Fig.
  • Then run: sudo fig up

The website is now available at http://localhost:4000. Posts and stylesheets will automatically be recompiled on change.

Non-Docker Install

This site is build using jekyll.

sudo gem install jekyll
sudo gem install rdiscount
sudo gem install bundler

Install dependencies:

bundle install

Change Stylesheets

The stylesheets are written in SASS/SCSS and are found in folder _sass. After changing the code you must compile manually to CSS with:

compass compile

Or run compass watch to automatically recompile after saving a file. If you intend to run the webserver as well, you don't need to compile the SASS code by hand. It is then managed by bundler/jekyll.


Compiles the page after saving a code change:

bundle exec jekyll serve

The website is now available at http://localhost:3000