
Useful React component making your life easier

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Useful React component making your life easier.


Install the package like this:

npm install --save react-candies

Or with Yarn:

yarn add react-candies

Component Reference


Conditionally renders the child components. If you don't want to handle the else-case, you can use the simple form:

<If condition={new Date().getDay() === 0}>
  <span>It's Sunday!</span>

But you can also use the full form, which allows you to specify the then and else blocks.

<If condition={new Date().getDay() === 0}
      <span>It's Sunday!</span>
      <span>It's not Sunday! Go back to work!</span>


Provides a standard file selection dialog by rendering a hidden <input type="file"> element. The child of this component is a render prop which gets access to an open() function to open the dialog. If the user selects a file, the onSelected() callback will be invoked.

<FileChooser onSelected={files => this.handleFileUpload( files[0] )}>
  {( { open } ) => (
    <button onClick={open}>
      Select file

If the onSelected() callback returns a promise, the render function can detect if the promise is still pending via the processing boolean provided as a parameter.

<FileChooser onSelected={files => this.handleFileUpload( files[0] )}>
  {( { open, processing } ) => (
    <button onClick={open}>
      {processing ? "Uploading" : "Select file"}


Sometimes it is useful to force recreation of a complete subtree to trigger componentWillUnmount() and componentDidMount() events. The Resettable component allows this by providing a reset() function to the render prop.

  {reset => (

    {/* Some stateful component */}

    <button onClick={reset}>


This component detects whether the browser is online. This can be useful to warn the user if the connection was lost.

  {online => (
      {online ? "You are online!" : "You are offline!"}


This component allows to access and track change of the current window size. There are different ways to use this component.

You can set the onResize prop to get notified in case of changes:

<WindowSize onResize={( w, h ) => console.log( `width=${w}, height=${h}` )}/>

As resize events are fired VERY often, the component automatically debounces them with a delay of 100ms. You can change this value if you like:

<WindowSize onResize={( w, h ) => console.log( `width=${w}, height=${h}` )}
            delay={500} />

If you just need the width or height for doing layout, you can also use a render prop to access the current values:

  {( width, height ) => (
      {width} x {height}


This component provides a simple way to perform polling based on some interval.

<Poll interval={1000} 
      onPoll={() => console.log( "Ping" )}/>

You can dynamically enable/disable the polling using the active prop:

<Poll interval={1000}
      onPoll={() => this.fetchStatus()}/>