
Threat Cloud reputation API wrapper for easier use

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Threat Cloud reputation API wrapper

API service to consume Threat Cloud reputation databases, but easier to use compared to official API.


You need to obtain ThreatCloud reputation service API key from Check Point employee. We assume it will be set in env variable as below.

export TC_API_KEY=bring_your_own_api_key


# start service in background using Docker
$ docker run --name tcapi -d -p 8080:8080 -e PORT=8080 -e TC_API_KEY=$TC_API_KEY chkpmkoldov/threatcloudapi

# check usage instructions
$ docker logs tcapi
Listening on port 8080

# also homepage has usage instructions
$ curl localhost:8080
Usage: /query/resource/(ip|hash|domain)

# your first query
$ curl localhost:8080/query/resource/
{"response":[{"status":{"code":2001,"label":"SUCCESS","message":"Succeeded to generate reputation"},"resource":"","reputation":{"classification":"Benign","severity":"N/A","confidence":"Low"},"risk":0,"context":{"location":{"countryCode":"AU","countryName":"Australia","region":"07","city":"Research","postalCode":"3095","latitude":-37.699997,"longitude":145.18329,"dma_code":0,"area_code":0,"metro_code":0},"asn":13335,"as_owner":"Cloudflare Inc"}}]}

Docker image

Image is published in Docker Hub as chkpmkoldov/threatcloudapi