A program that show all inclusion or modules/packages in files in a folder.
This program show all inclusion or modules/packages in files in a folder.
/!\ No recursion in folder is made (yet) and output is not grepable /!\
-l, --language <name>
choose the language name. Defaults to python.
-p, --path <path>
the path of the folder. Defaults to pwd.
-h, --help
shows help.
shows the license.
# #
# This program is relased in the GNU GPL v3.0 license #
# you can modify/use this program as you wish. Please #
# link the original distribution of this software. If #
# you plan to redistribute your modified/copied copy #
# you need to relased the in GNU GPL v3.0 licence too #
# according to the overmentioned licence. #
# #
# "PROUDLY" MADE BY chkrr00k (i'm not THAT proud tbh) #
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# YEE #
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