
An example of Business Intelligence From Origin Data to Dashboard

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Business Intelligence Process Example

An example of Business Intelligence From Origin Data to Dashboard

Files/Folder Description


NOAA daily weather data. There is a shell script who names noaa-data.sh.It will download the weather data from the NOAA FTP server.After of all, running this script.


Python code. Process the data using the Pandas data analysis Python library.


Jupyter notebook script.


Python dependence.

Download And Install

1.Python environment.

Superset using Python2.7 in production, but it support 3.x. Suggestting 2.7.x.

2.Python Virtual Environment

It is recommended to install Superset inside a virtualenv.Python 3 already ships virtualenv, for Python 2 need to install it.

$ sudo pip install virtualenv

Use the command to create the virtual folder any where:

$ virtualenv venv

Then execute this virtual environment:

#source venv\bin\activate
$ . venv\bin\activate

To exit a virtualenv just type deactivate.

3.Install Superset

Modify the default pip server for china:

pip install -ihttp://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ flask。

Put all the chances on your side by getting the very latest pip and setuptools libraries.:

$ pip install --upgrade setuptools pip

Install superset:

$ pip install superset

4.Administrator And Run

Create administrator with Flask-AppBuilder.

# Create an admin user (you will be prompted to set username, first and last name before setting a password)
fabmanager create-admin --app superset

# Initialize the database
superset db upgrade

# Load some data to play with
superset load_examples

# Create default roles and permissions
superset init

# To start a development web server on port 8088, use -p to bind to another port
superset runserver -d

Supperset Already install!

5.Download The NOAA Weather Data

Excute the #Root/data/noaa-data.sh script to download and unzip NOAA weather data from the FTP server. Or use cURL command directly:

$ curl -O ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/by_year/2015.csv.gz
$ curl -O ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/ghcnd-stations.txt

After downloading the data, gunzip it:

gunzip 2015.csv.gz

6.Python Requirements

Create virtual environment, and activating it:

virtualenv venv
. venv\bin\activate

Download the dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

7.Setting up the PostgreSQL database

Install PostgreSQL(pgsql) 10:

$ sudo apt-get install postgresql-10 

Then an account names postgres has bean created.

Modify account password:

$ sudo -u postgres passwd

Login Database:

$ sudo -u postgres psql

Modify the Database password:

ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD '123456';

8.Install jupyter

$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install jupyter
$ jupyter nodebook

9.Examining Download Data

$ wc -l 2015.csv
$ cut -d, -f1 2015.csv | sort | uniq | wc -l


1.Loading the data into PostgreSQL

Loading the download data——${project}/data/2015.csv ghcnd-stations.txt) into PostgreSQL Data base.

jupyter notebook

We can use jupter noteboot to execute python code:

$ jupyter notebook IngestData.ipynb

But it exists some problems.

Execute Python

$ python src/execute.py

This will take some time to complete.After of all, the data will be loaded into pgSQL, and three table will be created —— weather_data,station_metadata and weather_types.

Denormalizing data

Execute blow SQL:

CREATE TABLE weather_data_denormalized AS 
    SELECT wd.station_identifier, 
    FROM weather_data wd 
    JOIN station_metadata sm 
        ON wd.station_identifier = sm.station_id 
    JOIN weather_types wt 
        ON wd.measurement_type = wt.weather_type;

Create Indexs

CREATE INDEX date_index ON weather_data_denormalized (measurement_date);
CREATE INDEX type_index ON weather_data_denormalized (measurement_type);
CREATE INDEX description_index ON weather_data_denormalized (weather_description);
CREATE INDEX flag_index ON weather_data_denormalized (measurement_flag);
CREATE INDEX elevation_index ON weather_data_denormalized (elevation);

Superset Dashboard

Then using Superset to create your dashboard:


Set Database

  1. Sources->Database.
  2. Input the SQLAlchemy URI string.
  3. Then "Test Connection".

Set Table

  1. Sources->Tables.
  2. Select new Database.
  3. Input the table name: weather_data_denormalized.

Exploring Data

  1. Sources->Tables. Simply click on the table name of the list of tables.

Superset Development


It's developed by React where '${install_path}/superset/static/assets'.


  1. branding: Logo.
  2. images: all of the images which supports superset web.
  3. spec: Config file.
  4. src: develop file.
  5. stylesheets: style file, css,less e.g.
  6. verdor: Third part lib implements with React.

add charts

  • Add path: ${superset_root}/static/assets/src/visualizations
  • add custom charts as a React Component who includes .jsx/js and css part.such blow:
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { XYChart, AreaSeries, CrossHair, LinearGradient } from '@data-ui/xy-chart';

class Costom extends React.Component{
  • Add costom component in index.js (${superset_root}/static/assets/src/visualizations):
  • Add costom charts in ${superset_root}/static/assets/src/explore/visTypes.jsx for adding data options in slice.
  • Add images in ${superset_root}/static/assets/images/viz_thumbnails/

About front development details see https://github.com/chkui/superset(Forked from ryoha13/superset).