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⚙・Config.json example
💎・Get Token
📍・OwO DM channel id
📚・Discord RPC
🔗・Required Links
- Discord may restart as a result of discord rpc overload.
- It can detect virus due to captcha(ban) bypasser please turn off your antivirus.
- Auto Hunt
- Auto Battle
- Inventory Check
- auto gem use (beta)
- auto lootbox use
- auto fabled lootbox use
- auto crate use
- auto eventbox use (like anniversary present or valentine's day)
- Auto Gamble
- auto coinflip
- auto slots
- Auto animals sell or sacrifice all,
- Auto upgrade autohunt
- Auto Pray
- Auto quest
- Captcha(Ban) Protection v0.1.2 (beta)
- Discord-RPC
- Extra Token
- All Main Token Features
- Auto Pray for Main Token
"settings": {
"huntandbattle": "", true or false
"banbypass": "", true or false
"discordrpc": "", true or false
"pray": "", true or false
"extratoken": "", true or false
"autoquest": "", true or false
"inventory": {
"inventorycheck": "", true or false
"gemcheck": "", true or false
"lootboxcheck": "", true or false
"fabledlootboxcheck": "", true or false
"cratecheck": "", true or false
"eventcheck": "" true or false
"animals": {
"enable": "", true or false
"type": "" sell or sacrifice
"upgradeautohunt": {
"enable": "", true or false
"type": "" efficiency, duration, cost, gain, exp or radar
"gamble": {
"coinflip": {
"enable": "", true or false
"amount": "1"
"slots": {
"enable": "", true or false
"amount": "1"
"token":"", main token
"userid":"", token user id
"channelid":"", channel id for main token
"owodmchannelid":"" owo bot dm channel id
"autoquestchannelid":"" auto quest channel id
"token":"", extra token
"userid":"", extra token user id
"channelid":"", channel id for extra token
"owodmchannelid":"" extra token owo bot dm channel id
(e) => {
m = [];
for (let c in e.c) m.push(e.c[c]);
.find((m) => m?.exports?.default?.getToken !== void 0)
Farm Bot Zip File
> download zip file or run git clone https://github.com/Mid0aria/owofarmbotv2.git
> edit config.json
> run install.bat
> run run.bat