An Android compress and extract library support popular compression format such as rar, zip, tar, lzma
that support android api >= 14 (may work >=9 not tested) also tested on android 7.1.1
The simple and useful library for android app developers to read/write archives like zip , rar , tar , tar.gz, tar.bz2.
I needed compressing files for a project, Because I could not find a good and thorough library I wrote a nearly complete library.
Other open source projects have been used to write this library.
.tar.gz & .tgz
.tar.bz2 & .tbz2
.tar.xz & .txz
.tar.lz4 & .tlz4 & .tsz
.rar (extract only ,may you can find a method to create look ir.mahdi.mzip.rar classes)
You can use Gradle:
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.ghost1372:Mzip-Android:0.4.0'
Or Maven:
ZipArchive zipArchive = new ZipArchive();,destinationPath,password);
ZipArchive zipArchive = new ZipArchive();"/sdcard/file.pdf","/sdcard/,"");
//if you want protect with password"/sdcard/file.pdf","/sdcard/,"123456 or anything you want");
ZipArchive zipArchive = new ZipArchive();
ZipArchive zipArchive = new ZipArchive();
//if your file protected with password
zipArchive.unzip("/sdcard/","/sdcard/folder,"123456 or anything you want");
If your file does not have a password, Leave it blank.
RarArchive rarArchive = new RarArchive();
rarArchive.extractArchive(file archive, file destination);
//OR use String path
rarArchive.extractArchive(string archive, string destination);
RarArchive rarArchive = new RarArchive();
for other various format you can use RarArchive class and extractArchive function it must be work with tar and other formats.