CoderSchool FTW - _ Python-Flask Facebook _

Created with love by: Chloe

View online at: Not yet ready

Video Walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories.

To create a GIF, use LiceCap, RecordIt, or Loom, and link the image here in the markdown.

<img src='' title='Video Walkthrough' width='' alt='Video Walkthrough' />

Required Features 🎯

  • User can register an account with his username, email, password.
  • User should see appropriate flash messages depending on the situation (email taken? username taken? email too short?).
  • User can login with their credentials.
  • User should see appropriate flash messages depending- [x] the situation upon loggin in(wrong email, wrong password?).
  • User can access a route which renders a form which allows them to create a new blog.
  • User should be able to see all the blogs with title, body, author name, datetime created/ updated with maximum 100 characters, and the newest blogs will be on top.
  • User can then see full details of each blog (include comments feature which mentioned below) when he click on the blog title (direct them to another route).
  • User can edit/delete their own blogs but not others.
  • User can access a route which renders all the blogs which belong to the current_user.
  • User cannot create the blogs or access to "create blog" screen unless they're signed in.
  • User can only sign out once signed in, links and urls should be disabled too.
  • User can see comments which belong to each blog.
  • User should be able to comment on each blog too, also edit and delete their own comments but not others.
  • User should be able to sort the list of blogs (newest first/last).

Rockets 🚀

  • User can see a count of how many comments each blog has (on both all blogs and single blog page).
  • Implement: Vote or Like system, each user can only like or vote up/down once. If he attempts to do it again, return his action to 0 then allow him to vote/like again.
  • Following feature, a user can follow other users, and will see all the blogs from them.
  • A page that show some statistics, e.g top bloggers, top vote/like blogs, top blogs which have most comments.

Time Spent and Lessons Learned

Time spent: 40 hours spent in total.

Describe any challenges encountered while building the app: Understanding whole new lagnuage and logic of Python and Flask. I've learned a lot!


Copyright [Chloe] [name of copyright owner]

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.