CoderSchool FTW - * Rock Paper Scissors Game by ReactJS *

Created with love by: Chloe Shin Please check my game at:

Accomplished requirements : Please check what I have done

  • User can see three buttons labeled Rock, Paper, Scissors.
  • User can press one of the buttons to make their choice.
  • User faces a computer who also makes a choice from Rock, Paper or Scissors.
  • User can see text indicating that they've won, lost, or tied.
  • User can see either green/red depending on whether or not they've won.
  • User can see a game history which lists the rounds played so far and outcome.

Advanced requirements

  • User can only play the game once they've pressed a button titled Start.
  • User can sign in and have their name attributed to the victory.
  • User can see the prompt colored correctly based on the outcome of the game. If player has won, "Victory!" is green. If player has loss, "Defeat!" is red. If the result is a tie, the text remains black.
  • User sees "flawless" victory behavior in the game. If the user/computer wins the first 3 rounds in a row, they've achieve a flawless victory.

Time Spent and Lessons Learned

Time spent: around 10 hours spent in total.

Describe any challenges encountered while building the app.

The biggest challenges I encountered is understanding the logic of the coding and new function called - useState.


Copyright Chloe

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distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.