This is a pretty terse guide to setting up this package:
PostgreSQL as the database: for a larger database (ours has a few hundred thousand items) and fuzzy search use pg_trgm and GIN indexing to expedite load time.
check out the gemfile for additional dependencies
requires ENV[ONSITE_API_KEY] locally do: export ONSITE_API_KEY="get_this_key_from_api_server" for heroku: heroku config:set ONSITE_API_KEY="access_token_goes_here"
postgres login if failure: psql -h localhost -U postgres postgres
need to install unaccent extension in postgres:
rails db \dx #this lists installed extensions create extension unaccent;
on heroku:
heroku pg:psql create extension unaccent; create extension pg_trgm; from:
start server with: rails server -b -p 3000
to import db - (while API server is running) Song.import_all_songs
Then need to build the search indexes for pg_search: rake pg_search:multisearch:rebuild[Songs] and rake pg_search:multisearch:rebuild[Artist]
seed database rake db:seed or heroku run rake db:seed
TODO: create a smaller seeds.rb that doesn't include song library. current seeds provides a library that likely won't link to actual kjams soIDs
for redis: (followed this:
brew install redis redis-server OR brew services start redis //starts redis and adds it to login startups
start workers: bundle exec rake environment resque:work QUEUE=*
start schedule for repeating jobs: bundle exec clockwork config/clock.rb