
Emotion Tracker REST API to record a user's emotion levels and allow them to visualise their emotions over time

This is the server-side REST API for module CSC7084 Web development at Queen's University Belfast, an application which provides RESTful endpoints to allow a user to record their emotion levels over time. The REST API connects to an MySQL database to store the emotion snapshot and user data.


To run this application locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/chloeedgar/emotion-tracker-api.git

  1. Navigate to the project directory:

cd emotion-tracker-api

  1. Install dependencies using npm:

npm install

  1. Start the development server:

nodemon app.js

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3001 to view the application.

Technologies Used

  • Axios - Promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js
  • bcrypt - Library for hashing passwords
  • cors - Middleware for enabling CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
  • dotenv - Module for loading environment variables from a .env file
  • ejs - Embedded JavaScript templating
  • Express - Web application framework for Node.js
  • express-session - Session middleware for Express.js
  • express-validator - Middleware for input validation in Express.js
  • morgan - HTTP request logger middleware for Node.js
  • mysql2 - MySQL client for Node.js with prepared statements support