Lightguard Server


Lightguard is a mobile application that promotes well-being on college campuses through safety features such as route generation using well-lit paths, access to emergency resources, and contact notifications.

Project Status

V1: Testing & Production


  1. Install the Expo Go app on your iOS or Android phone and connect to the same wireless network as your computer OR Installation on MacOS: Install XCode

  2. Install NodeJS v16.17.1

Installation on MacOS (via Homebrew)

$ brew install node

Installation on Windows

Install NodeJS (via NodeJS)

  1. MongoDB Connection Create MongoDB account Build a Database
  • Create a Shared (free) Cluster
  • Create a username & autogenerate password (Save this password for later, you will need it)
  • Click create user
  • Add My Current IP Address
  • Finish and close In your cluster click Connect
  • Connect using VS Code
  • Copy the code part looks like mongodb+srv:// (replace and with password we got above) In VS Code
  • Get the MongoDB extension
  • In Command Palette go to MongoDB: Connect
  • Paste in your mongodb+srv://
  • Should now be connected (Server Repo .env file needs MONGO_SRV='mongodb+srv://' (your part)) (Server Repo .env file needs TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID='') (Server Repo .env file needs TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN='')

Set up Development Environment

Clone server and client repos and download dependencies

$ git clone

Install packages for server

$ npm install
$ npm install twilio --save
$ npm install dotenv --save

Create .env file in server and add this code


Start server

$ cd server 
$ npm run dev

Install packages for client

$ npm install

Create .env file in client and add this code


Start client

$ cd client
$ npx expo start

View project locally

  • On Android, use the Expo Go app to scan the QR code from your terminal to open your project. On iOS, use the built-in QR code scanner of the default iOS Camera app.

Install application


Testing Postman

In Postman app
Get a get tab, and a post tab
request url for get: localhost:3001/api/users/get-all-users
request url for post: localhost:3001/auth/users/create-user
(make sure both are on json)(body)(raw)\

   "firstName": "chloee",
   "lastName": "gong",
   "email": "",
   "password": "123",
   "phoneNumber": "1231231234"

