
It's like WordPress but on Google

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


It's like WordPress but on Google.

View demo | Installer | GoogPress.js CDN

Our Story

Once upon a time there were two "developers", Peter and Stewart. They had just taken over the production team for the Young Scientists' Journal and were tasked with "making the website great [work] again". After a survey of the site's contributors, it turned out that people don't like hardly-working XML-based editors (Wordpress Annotum). Thus, with the team being so broke that they couldn't really afford anything that costed money, GoogPresss was born.


  • Host a blog using nothing more than Google Docs
  • Runs off a single HTML document. No PHP, JS or dynamic webserver required.

General How-Tos

Take a moment to realise how unfinished this project is. Now take a moment to realise how improved it will be in a month or two. Now reconsider your decision to try and get it working by yourself.


  1. Using the official installer, install GoogPress onto your Google Drive (takes approx. 2 minutes tops).

  2. Once the installation is complete, follow the 'next steps' instructions on screen and then navigate back to Google Drive.

  3. There you should find a newly-created folder called 'GoogPress' and within it another folder called 'Posts'.

  4. Drag Google Docs into the aforementioned 'Posts' folder to publish them.

Like this


  1. Make some HTML.

  2. Reference JQuery

  1. Reference GoogPress.js
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.googpress.org/0.1/GoogPress.min.js"> </script>
  1. Initalise GoogPress with your Apps Script URL
  gp_Init ("https://your-script-url-here");
  1. Create some <div> elements and set their data-googpress attribute to the name of the Google Doc containing your post.
<div data-googlepress="your-post-here"></div>
  1. Deploy and enjoy!

Frequently Asked Questions

What's my Apps Script URL?

You can get your Apps Script URL by opening your Google Drive and navigating to the GoogPress folder. There you should find a file called 'GoogPress'.

Like this

Open it up (if it prompts you to use a third party application, pick 'Google Apps Script') and on the menu navigate to Publish > Deploy as Web App

Like this

Publish your app making sure that it's accessible to everyone, even anonymous

Like this

Copy the URL it gives you. It should look something like 'https://script.google.com/macros/s/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

Like this

In Depth

Here are the things you can do with GoogPress.js:


This will initialise GoogPress and fill any divs with a data-googpress attribute with content.

function gp_Init(url)

url The URL of the the web app.

<div data-googpress="post1"></div>
<div data-googpress="post2"></div>

    gp_Init ("https://your-script-url-here");
Results in something like:
<div data-googpress="post1">
    Content of post1
<div data-googpress="post2"></div>
    Content of post2

Loading Individual Posts:

function gp_loadPost (name, container)

name The name of the post you want to retrieve. This should be the name of it's Google Doc.

container The div containing all the posts

//Load the post 'Hi World'
gp_loadPost ("Hi World", $("#post"));
Results in something like:
<div id="post">
  Content of 'Hi World'

Loading Multiple Posts:

function gp_loadPosts(container, postDivClass, terminator, startIndex, endIndex)

container The div containing all the posts

postDivClass Any classes that need to be added to the posts

terminator Any code you want between posts (eg. <hr/>)


startIndex Where the posts start. 1 = latest post, 2 = second latest post...

endIndex Where the posts end.

//Load the 3 most recent posts
gp_loadPosts($("#post-container"),"postClass", "<hr/>", 1, 3);
Results in something like:
<div id="post-container">
    <div class="postClass">
        I am the latest post
    <div class="postClass">
        I am not the latest post
    <div class="postClass">
        I am also not the latest post


Yeah just send us a pull-request.