
Install FutureForms features demo

Primary LanguageTypeScript


FutureForms is a Typescript library for fast and easy development of data entry forms.

Turn a HTML table into a database view, search and edit form with a few edits.

Go to the install section .


A normal Full-stack development consist of af front-end, a back-end and a database. In FutureForms this is cut down to a front-end, a generic back-end and a database.

Here the sketch shows the Javascript application running in the client browser and then sending SQL to the database.js back-end. The database.js converts the SQL to the appropriate database driver and sends the result back to the client.

Figure: Building Blocks

In FutureForms all or mostly all of the business logic is in the front-end.

Eventually some business logic is written in a stored procedure in the database.

The back-end (web server) is a generic components so none of the application code is written in here.

Figure: Compare Business Logic


FutureForms is primarily ment to be used for intra-net. SQL-statements are written in the Javascript application and then passed through the back-end directly to the database.

It is therefore necessary to protect with GRANT and other security technics.

Figure: Compare Security

database.js can be configured to reject known keywords like CREATE, DROP and TRUNCATE but it recommended to handle the security in the database with GRANT.

Exploits of a Mom

In a standard full-stack setup you have the risk of a SQL-injection. With FutureForms any SQL-statements are passed through even the infamous "Robert'); DROP TABLE Sudents" so you have to protect your database for this kind of statements.

Figure: Exploits of a Mom

© 2010 xkcd.com

Install FutureForms featured demo and tutorial installation

This Ansible script will install FutureForms with the extended demo. This demo will show what a lot of the classes in FutureForms can do.


This script will install a lot of TypeScript package so it is recommended to run the script in a Ubuntu server running on a virtual machine (VirtualBox, LXC, VmWare, WSL). This will make a cleanup easier.

In Ubuntu these packages and their dependencies will be installed:

  • Java
  • PostgreSQL
  • npm
  • node-typescript
  • unzip

Make the installation easier by not requiring password all the time add NOPASSWD: to the group %sudo. Run the command visudo:

sudo visudo

Change the line with %sudo to:



Start Ubuntu and install Ansible and Git yourself:

sudo apt install ansible

Now you are ready to install FutureForms Featured Demo with the ansible script.

If you want to develop yourself you should start from the tutorial list: