FutureForms is a Typescript library for fast and easy development of data entry forms.
Turn a HTML table into a database view, search and edit form with a few edits.
Go to the install section .
A normal Full-stack development consist of af front-end, a back-end and a database. In FutureForms this is cut down to a front-end, a generic back-end and a database.
Here the sketch shows the Javascript application running in the client browser
and then sending SQL to the database.js
The database.js
converts the SQL to the appropriate database driver
and sends the result back to the client.
In FutureForms all or mostly all of the business logic is in the front-end.
Eventually some business logic is written in a stored procedure in the database.
The back-end (web server) is a generic components so none of the application code is written in here.
FutureForms is primarily ment to be used for intra-net. SQL-statements are written in the Javascript application and then passed through the back-end directly to the database.
It is therefore necessary to protect with GRANT
and other
security technics.
can be configured to reject known keywords like
but it recommended to handle
the security in the database with GRANT
Exploits of a Mom
In a standard full-stack setup you have the risk of a SQL-injection.
With FutureForms any SQL-statements are passed through even
the infamous "Robert'); DROP TABLE Sudents"
so you have
to protect your database for this kind of statements.
© 2010 xkcd.com
Install FutureForms featured demo and tutorial installation
This Ansible script will install FutureForms with the extended demo. This demo will show what a lot of the classes in FutureForms can do.
This script will install a lot of TypeScript package so it is recommended to run the script in a Ubuntu server running on a virtual machine (VirtualBox, LXC, VmWare, WSL). This will make a cleanup easier.
In Ubuntu these packages and their dependencies will be installed:
- Java
- PostgreSQL
- npm
- node-typescript
- unzip
Make the installation easier by not requiring password all the time
to the group %sudo
Run the command visudo
sudo visudo
Change the line with %sudo
Start Ubuntu and install Ansible and Git yourself:
sudo apt install ansible
Now you are ready to install FutureForms Featured Demo with the ansible script.
If you want to develop yourself you should start from the tutorial list: