
PostgreSQL function for reconstructing the underlying CREATE command for a table

Primary LanguagePLpgSQLMIT LicenseMIT


PostgreSQL function for reconstructing the underlying CREATE command for a table and related objects.

Version: beta

Sample run & output:

$ psql --tuples-only --no-align --command="SELECT pg_get_tabledef('t2')"

CREATE TABLE public.t2 (
    i2 integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('t2_i2_seq'::regclass),
    c1 text NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT t2_c1_check CHECK (c1 ~* '[a-m]+'::text)
COMMENT ON TABLE public.t2 IS 'T2 comment';
COMMENT ON COLUMN public.t2.i2 IS 'T2.i2 comment';
COMMENT ON COLUMN public.t2.c1 IS 'T2.c1 comment';
CREATE SEQUENCE public.t2_i2_seq
    AS integer
    CACHE 1;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX t2_i2_c1 ON t2 USING btree (i2, c1);

Installation & test

Install the function pg_get_tabledef:

psql -d tabledef -f pg_get_tabledef.sql

Install test data in database tabledef as PostgreSQL superuser:

psql -f create-test-tabledef.sql

Dump sample table with indexes and comments:

psql -tA -d tabledef -c "SELECT pg_get_tabledef('tC')"


Status of implementation:

    • NOT NULL
    • TABLE
    • COLUMN


The goal is to re-create all objects which will be deleted on a DROP TABLE command. Sample output is created by creating a table with all possible objects and then run pg_dump before and after DROP TABLE and then reconstruct the difference.


To get a hint on how to get the SQL statements needed use the psql option -E or --echo-hidden which will display queries that internal commands generate.


psql -E -c "CREATE TABLE foo(i int)"
psql -E -c "COMMENT ON TABLE foo IS 'A comment'"
psql -E -c "DROP TABLE foo"

Bug report

If the table output of pg_dump is different from pg_get_tabledef it is probably considered a bug. Run the following command and send the output together with the output from pg_get_tabledef.

pg_dump --schema-only -d <db> -t <table> | egrep -v '^-|^$|^SET |^SELECT'